Friday, September 6, 2024

Your Weekend Read: SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS, by Sally Cronin


Size Always Matters information 


About the book

At age 41 in 1994 and weighing 330 lbs, Sally Cronin had two choices when she was told that she was unlikely to live to 45. Carry on eating or get her act together. She chose to study nutrition and change the way she approached the food she ate and her other lifestyle choices.

Her first book, Size Matters, told the story of her weight loss of 154 lbs and shared the programme she designed to both lose the weight and regain her health. Now, thirty years on from the start of that journey, having worked as a nutritional therapist with hundreds of clients as well as acting as a health consultant on radio for several years and on her blog, she shares an updated version of the programme.

Weight loss is not just about calories in and calories out. It is about identifying the physical, emotional and mental attachments we have to food and developing a deeper respect for the fuel we require to be healthy. As well as exploring the many elements involved in healthy weight loss, she also shares the nutritional balance we need to achieve to prevent many of the lifestyle issues that accompany obesity. This includes some easy to prepare recipes which provide nutrient dense dishes for the whole family.

In 2022, 2.5 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight, including over 890 million adults who were living with obesity. 37 million children under the age of 5 were overweight. Over 390 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight, including 160 million who were living with obesity.

If you need to lose 10 lbs or 100 lbs you can adapt this programme to lose the weight healthily and to enjoy a better quality of life. Don’t be included in the statistics and start losing weight today.



Sally Bio

Sally Cronin is the author of eighteen books including her memoir Size Matters: Especially when you weigh 330lb first published in 2001 which followed her weight loss of 150lbs and the programme she designed to achieve a healthy weight and regain her health. A programme she shared with her clients over her 26 year career as a nutritional therapist and on her blog. This has been followed by another seventeen books both fiction and non-fiction including multi-genre collections of short stories and poetry.

Her latest book Size Always Matters is an extended and updated version of her original book Size Matters and now includes the nutritional element to weight loss and some recipes with ingredients that provide the nutrients necessary for healthy weight loss and continued good health.

As an author she understands how important it is to have support in marketing books and offers a number of FREE promotional opportunities in the Café and Bookstore on her blog and across her social media.

After leading a nomadic existence exploring the world, she now lives with her husband on the coast of Southern Ireland enjoying the seasonal fluctuations in the temperature of the rain.


Sally Links

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1. I love breakfast and believe it is the most important of the day. We usually have a light supper around 6.30pm and I go for my first walk of the day at 8.00 a.m so it is usually 9 a.m. before I have breakfast. I am ready for it by then and I usually have porridge with a banana, some full fat milk and a teaspoon of honey and a green tea. That keeps me going until lunchtime.

2. Fruit in season is our afternoon snack and because we are used to a warmer climate we are drawn to grapes, peaches and apricots, although when pears are ripe they are lovely too. It is wonderful now that so many fruits from the continent in particular are available all year round and we ring the changes as they appear in the supermarket.

3. We gave up alcohol in lockdown. We used to drink quite a bit of wine when we lived in Spain but after coming back here we got out of the habit and then we realised we didn't particularly like the after effects. It certainly took us longer to recover. We noticed that during lockdown people were stocking up not just on toilet paper but wine and spirits too. We realised it might be very easy whilst isolated to drink more than was good for us so we gave up completely. We never picked it up again but it did set me on a discovery of the non-alcoholic spirits, beers and wine available and when we entertain or visit family and friends a bottle of zero alcohol Gordon's Gin with tonic and a slice of lemon is great as are some of the red wines now available including the Shiraz grape varieties. There are also some excellent zero beers as well. At least at gatherings now we are not standing around drinking glasses of water looking like we don't belong at a party!!


My thanks to Sandra for inviting me over to showcase my new book, I really appreciate the support.




Sally Cronin said...

Thank you so much Sandra for the wonderful feature and for your ongoing support. Have a lovely weekend.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both.

Sally Cronin said...

Glad you enjoyed...thank you and have a lovely weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good for her! Being overweight is so bad for one's health. And gave up wine during Covid? Now that's strength.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for the reviews. But you gave up wine? That is serious folly!

Sally Cronin said...

Thanks Alex, and it was a bit daunting at the time but my dancing on the tables is long gone and a 70s hangover is not as forgiving as the ones I had in the 70s....

Sally Cronin said...

Lol...I am definitely seen as a pariah by some members of my family but I have found them sneaking some of my 00 Gordons Gin and Tonic... and in a blind test my 00 Shiraz was marked as acceptable. I don't miss the morning after at all.

Valerie-Jael said...

Size matters, indeed! Hugs, Valerie

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Size does matter and thank you for saying so. People are so sensitive about "fat-shaming" that they ignore the really unhealthy dangers of being overweight.

DUTA said...

Diets and dieticians are part of our life. Luckily, we get to choose what suits our struggle for maintaining an ideal weight.

Sally Cronin said...

Thanks Valerie, it certainly impacted my life.

Sally Cronin said...

I feel that having been there and had the size 32 t-shirt, I can be brutally honest about the dangers physically and mentally of being fat. I really have a hard time with particularly young so called influences calling on airlines for example to give them bigger seats and for people to treat them differently. It is not something to be proud of and anyone who tells people it is I consider to be enablers of the worst kind.

Sally Cronin said...

Not everyone has commonsense in their lives unfortunately, they go with what the manufacturers tell them is good for them. There is also a great deal of misinformation available that is confusing and sometimes downright dangerous.

Sandra Cox said...

My reading pleasure. Everyone needs this book in their library.

Sandra Cox said...

This book has all kinds of healthful information. It was a nudge for me since I do eat a lot of food with preservatives.

Sandra Cox said...

It is for sure, Alex. I can't imagine having the fortitude to lose serious weight. A couple of pounds is a challenge for me:) And I'm with ya on the wine;)

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. It sure wouldn't be easy.

citu said...

Gracias por la reseña. Te mando un beso.

Donna said...

I can't remember the last time we had a drink...
And yes...too many people these days are overweight. I'm trying Not to be one of them...but it's hard at 73.

Sally Cronin said...

I get it Donna, I am 71 now and it is hard to be constantly watching what you eat and drink, but I keep thinking of the next 20 years and looking forward to lots more adventures and quality of life and it helps keep me on track.

Olga said...

A great guest post about Sally's new book, and good sensible advice, as usual. Many thanks, Sara!

D. Wallace Peach said...

Thanks for highlighting Sally's newest book, Sandra. I got a lot from the read. And thanks for sharing your change from alcohol to non-alcoholic drinks. My husband and I rarely, rarely drink, but I haven't tried the non-alcoholic alternatives. Sounds like fun!

Sally Cronin said...

Glad you enjoyed the non-alcoholic versions Diana, they have certainly improved in recent years and it does mean we can join in the fun without the headache. ♥

Sandra Cox said...

It sure does.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I need to adopt better eating habits. I better check out Sally's book.

Sandra Cox said...

You both made great points here.

Sandra Cox said...

It is a struggle to keep that weight ideal, isn't it?

Sally Cronin said...

I hope you find interesting Elizabeth... thank you for commenting.

Sandra Cox said...

Sending you hugs.

Sandra Cox said...

Donna, It's challenging for sure.
Sally, Love your outlook.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting, Sally.

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Diana, How are you? I loved this book. Very helpful. I'm thinking about trying the nonalcoholic drink too. I rarely drink either. Just an occasional glass of wine at bedtime.

Sandra Cox said...

It's really good, Elizabeth, and helpful. I think you'd enjoy it.

DMS said...

Sounds like there is a lot of practical and helpful advice. I have just started eating breakfast recently. I have never been someone who ate breakfast- but I know it it good to get your metabolism going. The memoirs sound interesting and I like that recipes are included in the new one. Thanks for sharing.

Sandra Cox said...

It's very helpful for anyone that is interested in a healthy lifestyle. Breakfast is a wonderful thing:) Take care, Jess;)

Sally Cronin said...

I am glad you are eating breakfast as it does get the body firing on all cylinders after being just ticking over during the night. So grateful to Sandra for her lovely feature and review.