Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, example, definition or sentence for:

My example and definition: In times gone by, when maids threw slop out the window, they would first yell the warning, "Gardyloo!"


Did you know, that back in the day when parcel post became available to Americans, a handful sent their children through the mail?

For more information: When People Used the Postal Service to 'Mail' Their Children | HISTORY 



Elephant's Child said...

So gardyloo is essentially look out below.
I didn't know that people spent their children by mail - but can see the temptation.

Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

"Don't feed the child. It will cost more to post it".
I haven't hear of gardyloo, but I've heard that the English word loo, for toilet, comes from the French phrase regardez l'eau, Detailed five second research tells me gardyloo is well known.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - thankfully we don't have to "Gardez l'eau" anymore as we walk the streets. I know that occasionally kids or a child would be put on a train courtesy of the guard to go from Station A to Station B ... but by the post - not sure at all ... though perhaps I wouldn't mind going by Wells Fargo ... cheers Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There was a time when merely walking on the sidewalk was a hazard. I wonder how many were one step too soon or one step too late? It always used to be the custom for a polite gentleman to walk on the outside, perhaps making him the more likely target. That’s chivalry!

Jamie Ghione said...


Birgit said...

How was your weekend? I hope you had a nice weekend and that your family is well. I never heard of the word, Gardyloo. Thankfully, we no longer throw out our pee etc..out the window as we yell out that word. I am not surprised that people would mail their kids. Many sold their kids or made them work at the age of 5 without any love .

CJ Kennedy said...

Gardyloo = Look out below! I had hear you could mail you kids by parcel post.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can't believe people mailed their kids at one time in history. That's totally weird.

Sandra Cox said...

Yup, look out below sums it up:)

D.L. Finn said...

Gardyloo is a new word to me! I did just recently about children being mailed. Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Ha on the extra cost. Good job on the look up, Andrew.

Sandra Cox said...

Thankfully we don't:) Have a great one, Hils.

Sandra Cox said...

David, Chivalry with a capital C.)

Sandra Cox said...

Jamie, Who'd a thought.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you had a great weekend, Birgit. I took a tumble but was very lucky and didn't break anything. Whew. AND the family is healthy. Thanks for asking.
Yes, some children, had/have such a rough life. Very sad.
Hope you are healthy.

Christine said...

Fun fact

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and yes. Good on you for knowing both:)

Sandra Cox said...

Natalie, Yup. Totally weird sums it sup nicely:)

Sandra Cox said...

Denise, It was a new word for me too. Good on you for knowing your postal history:) xo

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you liked it, Christine;)