Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know


What is your synonym, sentence or meaning for:

 Meaning, sentence, example: Widdershins is the opposite of clockwise.  



Did you know, the term Big Wig comes from the 18th century when those with the most political pull wore the biggest wigs.


More information at: Learn The History Behind These 66 Commonly Used Old Sayings | Bored Panda


Elephant's Child said...

For a change I did know both the meaning of widdershins and the origin of Big Wig. I am sure I will be back to feeling ignorant next week.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It was a dark and stormy night, but even beyond that there was an ominous feeling in the air, reinforced when the hands on the clock in the hall began to spin widdershins. The door suddenly burst open and in swept a vile character bent on evil. All he did, however, was steal my big wig, without which I will no longer be one, and disappear back into the night. The hands on the clock self-corrected and I went to bed.

Jamie Ghione said...

Two more I didn't know :)

Jeanie said...

That's cool about Bigwig. I had no idea. As for widdershins -- where do you find these!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

How about "counter-clockwise" or "a-clockwise". What a great word.

CJ Kennedy said...

Keep it simple: Counter-clockwise. Big wig makes sense. Now they are just Fat Heads

Christine said...

Good word and interesting fact

Sandra Cox said...

Well done, David;)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Jeanie, Glad you liked the big wig origins:) As far as the words, I do searches:)

Sandra Cox said...

Jamie, It's always a learning experience for me too:)

Sandra Cox said...

EC, Woot. Woot. Good job. No feeling ignorant allowed.

Sandra Cox said...

LOL Fat heads. i love it.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Christine. Appreciate that:)

Sandra Cox said...

Purrfect. I especially like a-clockwise.
It is a fun word, isn't it, Jacqui?:)

Citu said...

No lo sabía, te mando un beso.

Birgit said...

Holy Widdershins Batman! Said Robin when they were in Australia. Robin kept flushing the toilet…he had nothing else to do. As for Big Wigs..I did read that but a if you would have asked me to remember, I can’t remember what I did today.

D.L. Finn said...

I learned two new things today, Sandra :) xo

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Sending you a hug.

Sandra Cox said...

Yay:) xo

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra ... Bigwig = yes, Widdershins = no .... but I am living in a Widdershins world ... must get out of it today - cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. I hear ya on living in a widdershins world, Hills:) Cheers

Sandra Cox said...

I hear ya on the memory thing, Birgit.