Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, example or sentence for:

Sentence: Do you feel your representative is a throttlebottom or a visionary?



Did you know, that no number up to a thousand contains the letter A?

 For more information: No Number from 1 to 999 Contains This Letter | Reader's Digest



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What's your synonym, definition or sentence for:

Example: He was trying to save lives but lost his funding due to the kakistocracy.  

*Dedicated to my nephew.


Did you know, Thursday the 20th is National Love Your Pet Day ?

Frank 💕


Callie 💙



Maisy 💖


Nori 💛

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You know AND Denise's Challenge

 What is your sentence, example, definition or synonym for:

 Example: She bought her inamorato a Valentine's Day card.



 Did you know,  that Valentine's Day began to be associated with love and romance, in the Middle Ages, largely thanks to the works of poets like Geoffrey Chaucer? By the 14th century, it had become customary to exchange love notes and tokens of affection on February 14, called Valentine's Day for St. Valentine.



She had waited for a sign for seven long, lonely days. Suddenly, a conspiracy of ravens rose cawing in the air.  It was time. Nature would take back her own.                                                                 


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Ketch-Up Day

 How are you? 

Other than waiting for my cover of Reuben Hayes and getting it ready for preorder, there's not a lot going on here. Oh I did make green beans in the crock pot. I just add a little olive oil, vegetable stock and seasoning, and let it simmer for a few hours. Voila.  I'm loving that crock pot. It makes life so much easier.  And I'm all about easy:) What about with you? Do you use a crockpot much?

Nori. And yes, we still have her in diapers.

A Florida hitchhiker.

Thanks, Shane.

That's it for today, Bloggers. Have a great one.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IWSG Wednesday and Did You Know


The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.


Twitter handle: @TheIWSG  

Hashtag: #IWSG 


January/February Reviews in no particular order.

* Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor them into my review.




In book 32 of the Crime Chronicles, Harry Thurgood is once again smack dab in the middle of a murder mystery. This one more gruesome and ritualistic than most. While Sgt. Reece Sovern and Harry have buried the hatchet, and on their way to becoming friends, the same can’t be said for Captain Davis Briggs who wants no part of any civilians at his crime scenes. But when Harry’s beloved wife disappears its going to take more than a determined captain to keep him out of the investigation as Harry races to find his wife before she too joins the list of casualties .

DEATH BY MOONLIGHT is a must read for murder mystery fans, especially those that follow C.W. Hawes.

Available at Amazon






A lovely Christmas story.

This is a well-written, feel-good tale that is perfect for the holiday season.

It's a short, easy to read story and will appeal to those who enjoy Christian Romance.

Available at Amazon



ZACHARY TAYLOR: America’s 12th President by Deborah Cops

This is part of the Encyclopedia of Presidents written for young people, but definitely enjoyable reads for adults. This is the fourth in the series I've read. I have found them to be both salient and capable of holding my interest.

My main take away from this book, and this president, is that he was a war hero from the war with Mexico and did his best to hold the union together during talk of session. There are few papers from his presidency because the home they were stored in was burned during the civil war. He had little experience as a politician, but the people loved him regardless.

A good read for those that enjoy presidential biographies.

Available at Amazon



D. Wallace Peach weaves some magic of her own.

Once again, the author creates a tale that flows like poetry and is filled with suspense, intrigue and twisty turns.

When the Weaver of Season’s leaves for the underworld, she charges her half-mortal, half-charmed daughter to take her place as weaver. If Erith can’t complete the weaving of the changing seasons, all will die. Mortal and charmed alike. Challenges face her at every turn, not the least of these self-doubt.

In this book, there are several characters and species to keep track of. But to be expected when building a new world. A book for fantasy fans and those who love a good tale.

Available at Amazon




I love a well-written dystopian YA. The good ones always have you on the edge of your seat. RECRUITMENT the first in a series of three is no exception. In a style reminiscent of Hunger Games, when teens turn seventeen, recruiters come to take them away to fight the Eastern Order. But when Cress and her friends get to the training ground, they soon learn that nothing is as it seems and danger may be more imminent that going to war. 

Available at Amazon






Did you know, Louisa Mae Alcott worked as a nurse during the civil war in Washington D.C.?



Apologies. U.S. residents only.