Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Ketch-Up Day

 How are you? 

Other than waiting for my cover of Reuben Hayes and getting it ready for preorder, there's not a lot going on here. Oh I did make green beans in the crock pot. I just add a little olive oil, vegetable stock and seasoning, and let it simmer for a few hours. Voila.  I'm loving that crock pot. It makes life so much easier.  And I'm all about easy:) What about with you? Do you use a crockpot much?

Nori. And yes, we still have her in diapers.

A Florida hitchhiker.

Thanks, Shane.

That's it for today, Bloggers. Have a great one.


Andrew said...

The beans sound nice.
Perhaps not Nori's best feature.

D.L. Finn said...

I do like my crock pot. I usually forget to start stuff early enough to use it. Never thought to make the veggie in there I usually fo the whole meal. Fun pics too! Xo

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We don’t own a crockpot, but we did buy an air fryer several months ago and have used it to good advantage. We seem to find new ways to use it with a degree of regularity that makes us very happy that we bought it.

Birgit said...

Good for you for creating another book! I love the crockpot and the steamer. They come in handy. Love your pup but I never saw a pup in diapers…hahahaaa. I’ve been busy rearranging our extensive DVD collection. Hubby created another DVD shelf and it takes a ton of time getting everything rearranged.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can't wait to see your cover. It's been so cold here that I've been staying home more. I've been crocheting amigurumi animals and reading more.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bet you're excited to see your cover!

Donna said...

I'm Still smiling about the feet sticking out from under the blanket...lol

Christine said...

Healthy beans

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Andrew, Thanks you. The beans were tasty. AND Perhaps not Nori's best feature. Heh.

Sandra Cox said...

The whole meal is great. Gets everything done in one fell swoop. I hope to get some more stewed apples going today. S.C ox

Sandra Cox said...

David, I hear good things about air fryers.

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, Thank you:)
Arranging a large collection of DVDs can be challenging.

Sandra Cox said...

Natalie, I got it back and am pleased:) Sorry to hear about your cold weather, but glad to hear you are writing and crocheting more:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Alex, I got it and I am excited about it:)

Truedessa said...

I do like to use a crock pot - just throw everything in there and let it simmer. I never thought of cooking beans it in. Mainly stews and soups. Congrats on you upcoming book release and cover.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I loved seeing

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OOPS. I love seeing that crock pot filled with beans. I haven't used my crock pot in about six months, but I love using it in summer when I want a hot meal,. but don't want to heat the kitchen. Hope to see the new book cover soon.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Donna, She definitely loves her blankie;)
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Christine, Indeed:) I've never met a bean I didn't like;)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi True, Crock pots are great, aren't they?
Thanks on mine and Reuben's good wishes:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Elizabeth, So true. Summer is the purrfect time for crock pots:) Thanks for the interest in mine and Reuben's book cover:)

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good collection of pictures, Sandra!

Citu said...

Lindo día . Te mando un beso.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I use my crock pot for just a couple things - chili, sweet & sour meatballs, and Swedish meatballs.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, J.P. Sending you a hug

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Di, Some vegetarian chili is on my list:)

Jeanie said...

I don't have a crockpot. I don't know if I'd use it enough to balance out the real estate it takes in the cupboard! Nori looks sweet!