Q: Start by telling us a little about yourself. Where are you from? When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I am a native of Arizona and I’ve lived here most of my life. When I was a child, I wanted to be a ballerina, an actress, and an author. I took ballet lessons, was a drama geek in school, and now I write, so I did them. Sorta.
Q: Do you plot your story before you write it or do you sit and let it flow?
I usually have a vague idea of where I’m going, but mostly I let it flow. I had to develop my heroine but my hero pretty much stepped off the page fully developed.
Q: Do you have a favorite book or series?
I love anything by Lynn Kurland or Julia Quinn and I am currently working my way through everything by Sharon Shinn and Georgette Heyer.
S: I've read everything by Georgette Heyer. Have you ever read Marion Devon or Joan Smith?
Q: Tell us about your release, The Guise of a Gentleman, Book Two of the Rogue Hearts Series.
Okay, here’s my backcover blurb: The widowed Elise is a perfect English lady living within the confines of society for the sake of her impressionable young son. Her quiet world is shattered when she meets the impulsive and scandalous Jared Amesbury. His roguish charm awakens her yearning for freedom and adventure. But his irrepressible grin and sea-green eyes hide a secret.
A gentleman by day, a pirate by night, Jared accepts one last assignment before he can be truly free. Elise gives him hope that he, too, can find love and belonging. His hopes are crushed when his best laid plans go awry and Elise is dragged into his world of violence and deceit. She may not survive the revelation of Jared’s past…or still love him when the truth is revealed.
I'm finalizing the edits on book 3 of the Rogue Heart's Series which isn't titled yet. (Gulp.) Each book is a stand-alone book, about a different brother of the Amesbury family, and the family members wander in and out of each other's books. And I’m polishing a new, unrelated Regency that has won the SARA Merrit writing contest and I’m getting ready to submit it to the NY editor who requested it. I’m also trying to finish a new Teen/Young Adult paranormal which has had three agent requests. So much to do, so little time...
Q: You have a bunch of kiddos, how do you find time to write? How do you balance family with writing?
Yes, with 6 children, making time to write is very challenging. I do much of my writing at night after they are in bed, or during nap time, but when I'm on a roll, I write instead of unimportant things like fix dinner. I haven't dusted since last Christmas and I gave up scrap booking. All my children are in school now, so now I can write after they all leave for school, until I have to go to work every afternoon, so that really cuts into my writing. However, I'm very focused, (or obsessed) so I keep at it at odd times of the day. And night. Sometimes insomnia is a good thing.
Q: What do you consider your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate! Okay, really, anything sweet and decadent. I have an equal opportunity sweet tooth.
Q: If money were no object would you prefer domestic help or would you cook and clean yourself?
Are you kidding me? I’d LOVE to give the job of cooking and cleaning to someone else! Can I have them do the laundry, too?
Q: Have you been told you look like someone famous?
Oh, yeah, I’m a dead ringer for Faith Hill. Ahem. Okay, not really. Actually no one has ever said I look like someone famous. But in the morning with my frizzy hair sticking out in all directions, I greatly resemble Medusa. Good thing I’ve never turned anyone to stone!
Q: Where can we find The Guise of a Gentleman?
The Guise of a Gentleman by Donna Hatch is available at www.thewildrosepress.com, Amazon, and all Barnes & Noble Locations (some stores may have to order it for you, but that costs the same as if it were on the shelf)
Q: Tell us about your contest:
Okay, now how to win your free copy (and you have four chances if you do all four):
1. Leave a comment in this blog, then send me an email at donnahatch29@gmail.com and put “free book” in the subject line
2. Follow my blog, then send me an email at donnahatch29@gmail.com, telling me you're now following me and put "free book" in the subject line
3. Friend me on Facebook, (http://www.facebook.com/people/Donna-Hatch/1053967713#%21/profile.php?ref=profile&id=1053967713) then send me an email at donnahatch29@gmail.com, telling me you're now my friend on Face book and put "free book" in the subject line
4. go to my website and then find out what is the name of the hero, then send me an email at donnahatch29@gmail.com, telling me the answer to the question and put "free book" in the subject line
Remember, for each thing you do, you have another chance to win. Good Luck!!!
You can find Donna’s books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Queen in Exile is also available at Costcos across the country and any Deseret Bookstore.
The Guise of a Gentleman is also available at http://www.thewildrosepress.com/ Here is the direct link to Donna's book page. http://www.thewildrosepress.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&zenid=08917dd5881d0719ec4a916d602d56d6&keyword=donna+hatch
The Wild Rose Press, Print ISBN 1-60154-701-3
Thanks for spending time with us today, Donna
“Combining Jane Austen with swashbuckling adventure, The Guise of a Gentleman is a fine specimen of pirate romance!” NYT bestselling author Jennifer Ashley
“You are a woman of great courage to face
those cutthroats.”
His fingers closed around hers as if she were a
lifeline. Her late husband's hands had always been
smooth and soft, the hands of a gentleman, so
unlike this man's calluses which bespoke hard work.
She marveled at their size, and at the tingles that
traveled up her arm.
A flush crept over her face as she realized the
direction of her thoughts. “I saw a cruel act and felt
compelled to intervene. I could do nothing less.”
His eyes darted over her face and he said in a
stronger voice, “They might have turned on you.”
“I'm an excellent shot.”
“And did you not consider that you may have
been in danger from me as well?”
She suspected many women found him a very
great danger, but not for the reason he spoke.
Swallowing against a dry mouth, she lifted her
chin. “You hardly looked dangerous at the time.
And I daresay you lack the strength to offer any
threat now.”
The barest hint of smile twitched his mouth
Excellent interview, Donna! And a wonderful excerpt!
Great interview! And you do resemble Faith Hill! Love the excerpt!
Thank you for hosting me today, Sandra!
Anny, thanks for stopping by!
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