Right now, I’m working on Fostered Souls. It’s book two in the Chronicles of Shilo Manor series, Cornerstone Deep being book one. Where Cornerstone Deep laid the foundation, Fostered Souls dives deeper into the obsession the Nemesis has with the heroin and the relationship between him and the hero. Families are united, albeit dreadful for some, truth from the past threatens peace, and revenge proves to be more dangerous than expected.
Are you a plotter or a pantster?
I guess you could call me a plotter to an extent. Though my characters tend react to the situation in their own, my muse and I plot out what the storyline will be. There are times, however, that the characters just won’t cooperate and we have to adjust the flow a bit.
Do you have critique partners or work alone?
I have some very helpful critique partners. I find having extra eyes on the work helps iron out the wrinkles. I read over my manuscript so many times that things get missed and my dear friends with the clear minds spot holes or repeated information.
What is your zodiac sign and what characteristic of your sign aids you as a writer?
My zodiac sign? My sign is Aquarius. I heard somewhere that Aquarians were like the absent-minded professor. Hmm, yes, that pretty much sums me up. Lol. But, I guess my sign’s main characteristic that would help with my writing is creativity.
Tell us something that would surprise us about you.
Being a romance writer born on Valentine’s Day may not be surprising. But to be shy about it? It’s surprised some.
What books of yours are currently for sale and where can a reader buy them?
Cornerstone Deep is available in paperback an e-book formats at Amanzon.com and Class Act Books. My website, http://charleneawilson.com can keep you posted of future releases and where to find them.
Thank you, Sandra, for having me here today.
Cornerstone Deep
She stepped onto the sidewalk and looked around. Humor faded. Vapor loomed over the empty streets like phantoms gathering warmth from the asphalt. She briskly rubbed her sleeves. The slight warming did nothing to ease her insecurity. Street lights blinked on but offered little comfort as the newscaster’s announcement flooded her mind. “After much deliberation, the new curfew of 2024 has been set into place. Lord Kyle Dressen, Grand Marshal of the courts, announced the bill’s passing, and urges all to adhere as strict measure will be taken to ensure vandalism of the East Side is eradicated.”
What a ridiculous notion. The impoverished East Side getting aid from the lawmakers. Yet now, unease filled her. Her co-workers’ gossip on the matter didn’t help her anxiety. An apprehensive tone caught her voice as she repeated the warning. “Curfew breakers will never be seen again.” Her whisper sent mist through the chill. She wished she hadn’t spoken.
Anna hurried across the open court and down an adjacent street. Awnings rustled in the wind. Neon signs that once invited late-night commerce hung dead behind barred windows. Her rushed steps echoed through the air.
She looked to the sky. A blanket of stars covered the firmament. She’d worked too late. Again. “God, I’m not going to make it.”
Her steps quickened, and she caught her breath as she approached the shortcut through the park. The wide corner entrance stood closed. The ancient stone griffin perched high on the gateway glared down at her. She shook the bars with disbelief. “When do they ever lock Shilo Park?” Scanning the long gates that fortified the urban green, fear clutched her stomach.
She whipped around. The sound was like a whisper to her mind yet clear as if spoken. Her gaze intensified as she studied the shadowed pavement. Beneath the dim light of a street lamp, dense smoke billowed and rose, taking the form of three men. Her throat clenched. “What…in…the…world!” She spun around and ran.
Don't forget the great blogs at: Amarinda Jones', Julia Barrett's, Molly Daniel's and Anny Cook's.
Nice interview, Charlene. I agree with you that critique partners are an essential. Cornerstone Deep looks like a great read. I've added it to my TBR list. (And I'm going to need to take a year off from writing to clear that list :)
Sounds like a great book - interesting interview too!
Aww, thanks Linda. You are such a wonderful support. :)
Thank you Julia! I appreciate you stopping by. :)
Hi, Amarinda. It is a bit spooky...but trust me. There's a lot of romance to balance it all out. ;)
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