October 15th: Mail computer in to be repaired.
October 16th: Wait
October 17th: Wait
October 18th: Wait
October 19th: Wait
October 20th: Wait
October 21st: Computer arrives, without power cord or adapter. Cuss. Call vendor
October 22nd: Cuss. Call vendor
October 23rd: Cuss. Call vendor
October 24th: Cuss. Call vendor
October 25th: Adapter arrives. No one home to sign for it. Cuss.
~ *~
Do you take herbal supplements? If so you might want to check this out.
LOL at least you got to cuss a lot, that can be fun.
Tension release anyway:)
*hugs* How frustrating!
Hey Dana, All hugs appreciated. Thank you:)
and I thought I was the only one with that kind of luck
Oh Sandra, typical computer crap. No, don't take supplements but my sister swears by them because she's insane.
Hey Julia,yup computer crap pretty much sums it up. I admit, I'm a supplements girl, but after reading that article I may have to rethink it.
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