Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ISWG Wednesday

Marketing. Ain't It a Bitch?

You've probably figured out by the title, marketing is not my strong suit. In fact, I think that's true for a lot of writers. If we were geared toward marketing, we would have went into marketing instead of writing, correct?  At least that's my story, and I'm sticking it to it. Grin.
I twitter: some.
 I facebook: some. I won't go so far as to say facebook creeps me out, but it makes me distinctly uneasy. It's like the whole world is watching you. And some of the things on facebook: Move over Jerry Springer. Why would you want to put THOSE kind of details out there.
And yet on the upside of the equation, I enjoy blogging. It seems more intimate somehow. You and a band of bloggers grow into online friends. Now granted people can find you just as easily as as they can on facebook, but how many take the time to look?
I do contests. Though, I'm not sure how much effect it has in the world of sales.
Alex Cavanaugh had a unique marketing idea and set up a website titled What Are The Kargrandes prior to the release of  Dragon of the Stars. Is that a neat idea or what? Kudos on this, Alex. You're always thinking.
Love, Lattes and Danger is coming out in August. I would love some help from the innovative side of the house. Got any ideas?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Sandra! It was a joint idea between me and my publisher.
Not on Facebook and I'm really glad.
There's a blog tour of course. And a Thunderclap campaign. I'll let you know how well I think that works next Tuesday.

Pat Hatt said...

Facebook is a stalkers paradise, so yeah screw that. Marketing is such a pain in the butt though

Birgit said...

You will get plenty of advice and encouragement from the people who know how to market. It will all work out well. I am on facebook but mainly to see pictures my ex takes since he is so good in photography and see some videos people post. I know what you mean about some people posting everything-I really don't care if you are getting your hair done:)

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope you find a way to have fun with it.

Unknown said...

You and me both! Marketing is so hard. I would of course, rather spend my time writing. It's a hard balance. And FB and Twitter...I'm on the "some use" category as well! :)

Nas said...

Looking forward to reading how it all went. All the best!

Sandra Cox said...

I'll be anxious to hear how thunderclap goes. Thanks.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

I'm trying to do more, especially on twitter.

Julia Barrett said...

Nice website! Love it! I hate marketing so.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks:) How's things going on your end?

Sandra Cox said...

Miss Julia, how the heck are you?

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, Ivy.

Lauren Farrow said...

I tried Facebook in 2008 and was horrified because it was like an onslaught of past "friends."
I say leave the past in the past, so I deleted my facebook account after 3 months and haven't looked back!
I've never tweeted but I'm not a writer... I keep my online life to graphics primarily.
I agree with you that blogging is fun! I like the social nature of it, and I don't worry about an onslaught from the past on blogger. It's not like facebook: a conduit for the whole world to know your business. It's personal, but also kind of anonymous.

dolorah said...

I agree on the marketing comment; I write, not market. Too bad writers have to be both now. And, yeah, some FB posts are just plain wierd (stupid). but FB is a great way for me to keep up with extended family, so it has its personal uses.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Marketing. Yuck! It such a hateful necessary thing for a writer.