Thursday, April 30, 2015


'When an animal--or a human--feels love, the body releases oxytocin, a hormone that reduces anxiety, relieves pain and suppresses stress hormones." ~ The Healing Power of Love by Cimeron Morrissey,

I read this in Best Friends, an animal rescue magazine, and was struck by the quote. The article was talking about rescuing animals in need and how important that first touch of love is  to the healing process. And isn't that true for all of us?  It's easier to bear hardship and pain if someone loves and supports us than to do it alone.


DEZMOND said...

awww... such a lovely photo!

Patsy said...

Love helps with so many things.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Love, compassion, forgiveness... All very important.

Adam said...

it's certainly true

CJ Kennedy said...

Amor vincit omnia: Love conquers all

Lauren Farrow said...

Oh, so beautiful!
I recently read an article from Time Magazine that explained "The Biggest Reason You Love your Dog" is that when dogs and people make eye-contact Oxytocin levels skyrocket in both.

The article also explains that the hormone Oxytocin is nicknamed the "cuddle chemical."

Pat Hatt said...

Important to have indeed, oh what love can do

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my GOSH! I LOVE that photo.

Yeppers to your post. So much eaiser.

The Happy Whisk said...


Sandra Cox said...

Hi Dez, Isn't that sweet? One of my favorites.

Sandra Cox said...

Indeed. How are you, Patsy?

Sandra Cox said...

Very true, Alex.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes indeed.
How are you, Adam?

Sandra Cox said...

Well said, CJ.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Lauren!
The cuddle chemical. I like that!

Sandra Cox said...

It can keep us going, that's for sure.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Ivy, Yes me too. That little guys eyes are so poignant.

Linda said...

Absolutely true....cute photo...
Have a great weekend...
Linda :o)

Birgit said...

Oh that photo is so sweet. I agree with the statement too. We all need this

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Linda. You have a good one too.

Sandra Cox said...

I like that photo too, Birgit.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world. Heading over....

The Happy Whisk said...

Agreed. Have a great weekend and boogie boogie.