Thursday, June 4, 2015

Herd Helps Baby Elephant Trailer


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Poor thing, I wonder what was wrong with it?

Pat Hatt said...

They sure tried to help a ton, poor guy

CJ Kennedy said...

Little guy just wanted to start his relaxing weekend early

Julia Barrett said...

Wow. What happened to that baby? I wonder if it was hot or he was sick?

The Happy Whisk said...

Ohh, poor baby.

Blue Grumpster said...

I can't watch this.

Nas said...

Oh, poor thing.

Birgit said...

Oh my the poor little one looked like he was a little on the weak side. I wonder if he had a tummy ache or something. I am glad he got up and appeared better after

Janie Junebug said...

I can't bear it. I hate the way elephants are treated by circuses and zoos.


Red Shoes said...

I was worried he/she wasn't going to be able to get back up... I hope it wasn't sick...


Sandra Cox said...

I don't know. He didn't look very healthy did he, Alex. I trust it was temporary.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes they did, Alex. Here's hoping once he got on his feet he started feeling better.

Sandra Cox said...

Glad he got out of the road before he did anymore relaxing:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Ms. Julia, How are you?
I hope he wasn't sick.

Sandra Cox said...

Let's hope he got to feeling better....

Sandra Cox said...

They got him on his feet, Blue.

Sandra Cox said...

He did look pretty pathetic. Hope it was temporary. But the good news is he was back on his feet.

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, Birgit.

Sandra Cox said...

I do too, Janie. Although, some of the zoos have made an effort to create a natural habitat, which is a very good thing.

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, Shoes.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world.