Tuesday, June 16, 2015


There were some questions last week as to the size of the BAT (My brother's Big Ass Truck).
Not This:
Or This:
Is the BAT


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shame it isn't the middle one.
Really surprised he'd have that much trouble parking. I guess here in the South, everyone has a Big Ass Pickup and the parking spaces reflect that.
The Suburban is even bigger, so just think how much more room he'd need then.

Pat Hatt said...

What? Not the second one? damn

CJ Kennedy said...

He needs a hood ornament

Sandra Cox said...

I know, Alex, it's a stunner. And the streets are quite narrow, a lot of them brick. Our daughter got rid of her car when she moved there because parking was such an issue.

Sandra Cox said...

He'd love it! grin.

Sandra Cox said...

There's a thought:)

Birgit said...

Now that is funny because I was thinking he drove the middle vehicle:)

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my gosh, that middle one. Love it.

Adam said...

I'd like the batman one

Sandra Cox said...

Heh heh.

Sandra Cox said...

Yep, defintely cool:)

Sandra Cox said...

Seems to be the winner, hands down.