My mother drummed her ideas of right and wrong, correct and incorrect, into my head when I was a child. Or tried to. Some took. Some didn't. One of the things that did take was never use the word ain't. To this day, I have a problem using it in my writing, even when its the right word to use. I can use the four letter words easier than I can use ain't. So I had to chuckle when an English teacher who was kind enough to beta read for me, changed my isn't to ain't. I'm going to have to break old habits. If it's good enough for an English teacher, it's good enough for me:)
Flowers, just not from the garden.
Thanks t
o the lovely and talented author Jacqui Murray for giving ThunderTree its first review. Here. Much appreciated.

I'm looking forward to reading The Quest for Home, Book 2 in her prehistoric trilogy when it comes out in October. I read the first one and was completely pulled into the story. The characters were well-developed and the world building amazing. I can't imagine the countless hours that went into research. If you are interested in prehistoric history, I highly recommend Survival of the Fittest.
I cannot use ain't. Just cannot.
Love those flowers.
That's a word I can't use either. It was never allowed at home or in school, and it's stayed that way for me! Hugs, Valerie
lol it was drilled into me not to use it, but I can be defiant and use it anyway.
Such beautiful and colorful flowers. I'm with EC and Valerie - just can't do it, Super Sandra!(lol) Kudos on that review. Going to check it out. Hugs, RO
Love the flowers.
I know:)
Right there with ya;)
Ha. I'm working on it:)
Nice art
Thanks, Ro:)
AND...I appreciate you checking out the review.
Hugs received and returned.
Oh, thank you so much, Jamie. I appreciate hearing that.
Thanks, Adam:) 'Mature' dog:) New tricks:)
the flowers are awesome....who painted ?
aint iz why when in de land oh trout ewe will onlee heer iz knot ;) ☺☺♥♥
I actually hate that word "ain't" and only use it if I am doing a southern drawl...sorry or that Ms. Prissy from Gone With The Wind. I am assuming you drew these very pretty flowers and you did a great job. If you did not, the person still did a great job. I wanted to read the review but I couldn't find it. I am such a simpleton
That would be me. Thanks, FSG.
And good job on the iz knot:)
I did. Thank you so much.
My fault on the review. I just added the link.
Do you know … I don't think I use the word ain't!
I do like the flowers.
Have a great week.
All the best Jan
Good for you, Jan! I found it interesting that its usage really is an issue for a lot of folks.
I toss around ain't along with a few y'alls and y'ins...just for flavor. I mean, I know it ain't right, but it's like adding a pop of red to a black outfit.
Ha on the ain'ts. I thought y'all was in the Southern Dictionary:)
Lovely flowers Sandra, English language van be most confusing even here in England.
Thanks, Yvonne.
Yes, English can be most confusing.
Are these your paintings? They're beautiful! And my mum was the same and even now, I can only use it if I'm OBVIOUSLY using it as a joke -- so no one thinks it's really me!
That is funny about the "ain't"! LOL! Sandra, did you draw those flowers? They are beautiful! Survival of the Fittest looks cool! Congrats on your first review! Big Hugs!
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