The roses are blooming.
The amaryllis has completely opened.
He looks so innocent when he sleeps doesn't he?
Another picture from the bro's hospital room. He had to go back in for a brief stent but he is out and doing fine. Beautiful, huh?
The HH got me a windspinner. Have you seen them or have them? They're fascinating to watch.
Got masks?
The HH got me a windspinner. Have you seen them or have them? They're fascinating to watch.
Got masks?
I was surprised at the number of people that weren't wearing masks when we made a run to one of the 'essential stores' this weekend. Including the clerks.
For the frontliners, the stay-at-homers and maskwearers, here's a freebie (where offered).
For the frontliners, the stay-at-homers and maskwearers, here's a freebie (where offered).
Love the pics, especially Monster Kitty trying to look so innocent! Here masks are now a necessary in stores and public transport. Stay safe, hugs, Valerie
I too have noticed a scarcity of masks worn in public here in Sacramento. However, masks mainly protect others from the wearers' own expectorations --not the wearer from others. Gloves are much in evidence here and that's good. Have also noticed people being careful about distancing and that's a good thing too. But, as you say, the roses are blooming --and I shouldn't feel strange walking into my bank with a mask on.
Love your flowers. And Captain Innocent.
I am glad that your Bro is home again (despite the very special view).
Masks are a rarity here - though we are advised that the front line workers need them and we need to wear them to protect others rather than ourselves.
Thank you for your continuing generosity.
Stay safe, stay well.
Hi Sandra - beautiful roses ... we've got some rain, so our plants will be happy! So good to know your brother is doing well and is back home again - as you say stunning view. Love those wind spinners ... just fascinating as they spin away. Masks - I just hope everyone washes their mask each and every time ... Until I have to - I'm not wearing one, if I was in a big city I would be ... I understand the 'mental dilemma' we all have though ... take care and yes stay safe - Hilary
Bloomin' lovely blooms. Masks aren't compulsory here and early advice was not to use them as they were needed for medical staff. Some people wear them, especially Asian born people but generally most people don't.
Glad your brother's stay was brief.
Most people out and about wear masks now.
Love those flowers.
Masks are now mandatory in the county where I live.
Your pussy cat looks so sweet but, yeah, I know what you mean..they look sweet but can cause quite a bit of havoc. Glad your brother is ok and , yes, that room view is nice. Your flowers look beautiful and must smell nice too.
Lovely flowers. Glad your brother is surviving.
I LOVE your windspinner. I haven't seen one like that before -- It might be my favorite!
I'm so glad your brother's hospital stint was a short one and all is well. And yes, pure innocence in those sleeping cats!
Beautiful flowers, Sandra:) Our lilac is just starting to bloom. My favorite spring scent! It is a great view and our kitties do look like angels sleeping!I made my mask and like you wonder why more aren't wearing one!
We have a double windspinner and I love it.
My plant is on its 4th amaryllis bloom with two more to go.
Thumbs up to necessary.
Stay safe. Be healthy.
Hugs received and returned.
Hi Geo,
Glad your area is following distance. You are correct on the protection of masks being for others. Hopefully, the others will also wear masks and protect us. If everyone started wearing them in public, I like to think, it would help knock the virus down several notches.
I've noticed people walking by my home. Some wear masks, some don't. I don't go outside in my FRONT yard unless I'm wearing a mask and gloves. The back yard is secluded and no one goes back there, so I feel safe.
LOVE your flowers. My roses are NOT even thinking about blooming and I had no irises this year. Hope you are staying safe behind those masks, dear Sandra. Glad your brother's stay at the hospital was brief.
I've found Etsy has a gazillion hand-crafted masks. While waiting for mine, I'm wearing a scarf with a paper towel inside for a filter. Same here that the front liners don't have enough masks and that is inexcusable.
Thanks, Hil. I'd never seen a wind spinner before. Just love it.
YOU stay safe too.
The blooms thank you and so do I:)
You're right, the message of wearing masks is a complete turn around to what the powers that be were first saying.
It doesn't help here that the president and vice aren't wearing them.
Very cool to both!
That's wonderful your area has 'got masks':) Unfortunately, our area is behind the curve on that.
Hopefully that will help keep your county's virus numbers down and you safer.
Thanks on all fronts, Birgit:)
Stay safe. Be healthy.
Thank you so much:)
Thanks, Jeanie:)
Oh, I so wish I had a lilac tree.
Let's hope the masks wearing picks up.
Stay safe. Be healthy.
Nice flowers
I want a windspinner! So pretty! Your flowers are gorgeous! I love when cats sleep! Beautiful picture from your bother's hospital room. So happy he is doing well! My pleasure for showing off your book! Big Hugs and Stay Safe!
I like the sound of this story. Thanks for the links.
Your flowers are beautiful.
Sounds like a wise plan on mask and gloves to me.
Bummer on the Irises. I had a section that didn't bloom, but I moved them last year so I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Hope your roses bloom their little hearts out.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Thanks, Adam.
I appreciate ya.
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