Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It's Tuesday

Greetings blogger buds. How was your weekend and Monday?

I guess Callie is an ICE AGE fan too:)

 The HH was having discomfort when he walked. Thinking his sock had got balled up, he took it off and two pieces of kibble came rolling out. Hmmm. I wonder how they got in there;)


In case I didn't mention it before, and bad on me if I didn't, but the lovely-souled and talented Stacy at Magic Crow was kind enough to  surprise me with a Keeper post at Stacy's Magic Love Crows. Thank you, Stacy. It was very much appreciated, as are you.


The lovely and creative Birgit for featuring me on FaceBook. Much appreciated since I don't have a FB page.


The  generous-with-her-time-and-energy wordsmith Sherri Hollister for featuring Keeper in her newsletter.


Last but not least the YA author who writes with depth and emotion, C Lee McKenzie featured me yesterday and today.

This should read Flowers For Y'all:)


That's all I've got folks. Other than Keeper's launch it's been pretty quiet. Thanks to those of you who are and have hosted, visited the other blogs hosting, picked up a copy or plan on reviewing. I appreciate you all.


Janie Junebug said...

Kitties have their favorite TV shows and movies. I can related to the kibble in the sock. My weekend was kind of meh. A number of people who used to visit my blog regularly and leave comments have disappeared. I was really hurt, but then I noticed my blog isn't updating in blogger rolls. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong and not getting anywhere.


Elephant's Child said...

I see that the lovely CLee Mckenzie also featured Keeper today. You are a generous soul and we are glad to help out.

Hot guys said...

Awww, so cute! ๐Ÿ’œ

I do like Ice Age, as well! ๐Ÿ’™

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bloggers and writers are the most generous people.
Callie is probably wondering what is wrong with Sid.

CJ Kennedy said...

Callie is cute watching her program. Ink, when he was little, liked to lie on top of the television and hang over the edge. He liked watching football and trying to catch the players.

Natalie Aguirre said...

You've got a mischevious cat there. That's awesome that bloggers and writers have been helping you out.

Jamie Ghione said...

Love seeing the cat watching the TV. My cat wouldn't do that :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Only Squiggles likes to watch TV. Bleubeard not so much. Laughed that HH's limp was nothing more than kibble bits and not something serious.

Congrats to all who featured Keeper this weekend. I am also not on Facebook.

Jeanie said...

Every now and then Lizzie watches TV. They seem to like cartoons! The kibble thing is very funny!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

callie; ewe noe whatz grate served on ice.....any kinda fish.. but knot... stix ~~~~ ya bee lookin my tee gorgeouz bye de way ;) ☺☺♥♥

D.L. Finn said...

How cute! I love when the kitties get involved with the TV :) Glad your release week is going well xo

Valerie-Jael said...

Kibble in the socks, oh my! Have a great week, , Valerie

Sandra Cox said...

We all wonder what is wrong with Sid, don't we, Alex? ROFL.

Sandra Cox said...

AND bloggers and writers most certainly are (generous).

Sandra Cox said...

Oh yikes. Hope you get that figured out. I haven't a clue on that one.

Sandra Cox said...

And YOU are very kind. Thanks for the shout out:) Much appreciated.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh me too, HG. It's a favorite of mine:)

Sandra Cox said...

That is sooo sweet.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and yes;)

Sandra Cox said...

I get a kick out of watching the critters watch TV.

Birgit said...

Thank you for the shout out! Kitties are so fun y when it comes to seeing things on TV. Our one cat was watching, intently, the tv when these Australian little critters were being talked about. They are a member of the rodent family and I thought our Lucy was going to jump at the screen. She tried twice and I said "NO". She stopped because the last thing I want is our tv to fall...and for Lucy to be hurt.

Sandra Cox said...

It's a hoot, innit?
Thanks, Denise:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Elizabeth.

Sandra Cox said...

The cartoons do seem to appeal, don't they, Jeanie?:)

Christine said...

Funny about the kibble.

J.P. Alexander said...

Uy que cosa lo de las croquetas suerte con el libro. Te mando un beso

Sandra Cox said...

Callie sends her thanks and regards to the tabbies:)

Sandra Cox said...

Never a dull moment....
You have a great week too, Val.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank YOU, Birgit.
Lucy was certainly into the show.
Hope today is a good day.

Sandra Cox said...

Heh. Yeah:)

Sandra Cox said...


Lowcarb team member said...

Kibble in the socks ... oh dear!

Hope your week is going well.

All the best Jan

Janie Junebug said...

I asked the Blogger community and a very nice person told me exactly what to do. What a relief!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jan:)
Hope yours is as well.

Magic Love Crow said...

We appreciate you and love you! The kibbles made me laugh! LOL! Big Hugs!