Wednesday, October 6, 2021

IWSG Wednesday


The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.

The awesome co-hosts for the October 6 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pitt, J Lenni Dorner, Cathrina Constantine, Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, and Mary Aalgaard.


October 6 question-In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language? I’m going to have to mull this one over. Short answer, I'm a middle of the road writer when it comes to language and topics. 

I’ll be interested in seeing how others answer this.


September/October in no particular order.

* Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor them into my review.



Lovely imagery.

This is such a wonderful collection of verse.  There’re poems of nature and her creatures. Poems of childhood. Of aging. And even of food. There’re poems of warning and poems of fun. The one thing they all have in common is the mastery of the verse itself. The collection of words that are strung together and used to spark a reaction, usually a smile and a feeling of warmth, and slide us into the worlds that the author created.

Available at Amazon






Romantic Suspense with a Healthy Dollop of Humor 


Amanda and Adam, two headstrong government agents, have a hot affair. Amanda has second thoughts and they part ways. After the split, Amanda discovers she’s pregnant. Tension builds as they try to find their way back to each other all the while in the midst of danger.

This is the first book of the series I’ve read and while it stands alone, it would be helpful to start at the beginning to get more deeply immersed in the other characters.

Biggar has a smooth writing style and does a wonderful job of drawing readers in with her characters and world-building. This is a well-told tale that will leave fans wanting more.

Available at Amazon


A heartwarming, sweet romance about two best friends who fall in love with the same woman.

Cole and Chad have been friends since the first grade. Chad has looked out for Cole all his life. Now that they're in college, the friendship is put to the test when they fall in love with the same woman and Chad must decide whether to put Cole's needs first as he's always done or for once, put himself first.

Available at Amazon



Told in Peach’s sirenic style, this story takes on a life of its own when an unfinished story begins to write itself.

Madlyn is hired as a reader for Cody, a young man in a vegetative state. Deciding he wouldn’t be interested in romance stories, she begins reading the unfinished manuscript that Cody was writing before his accident. Entertainment turns to intrigue and intrigue to terror when she discovers herself in the story and the pages in the book take on an energy of their own. Her life begins to twist and turn between the present and past, and in both lives she finds herself in danger.  

Rich in imagery, this story is a must read for Peach and/or fantasy fans. 

Available at Amazon


WILLOW’S RETREAT by S. L. Hollister

Another well-done drama about small town life in the coastal South. The story is centered around a couple that love each other but who have misunderstood what the other wants for thirty years to the detriment of their marriage. All the characters are nicely fleshed-out and believable, including a mother-in-law from hell that readers will love to hate. Hate may be too strong a word but she definitely gets on nerves as she frets about what her church friends will think instead of worrying about what her family needs. She has also poisoned the youngest child against his mother which adds another layer to a complex story. A well-told tale that has just the right amount of danger and emotional tension to hold the reader’s interest. It certainly did mine.

Available at Amazon



This book contains three standalone stories about a mysterious piano, a teddy bear, and a good witch who takes on a dark fairy.

All three novellas were fun but my favorite was the story of the mysterious piano and the affect it has on its new owner (a young girl) and how her abilities go from that of a beginner to a concert pianist.

The teddy bear is not your typical stuffed animal and the dark fairy does what dark fairies do:)

This book is geared for teens but I would also add the young at heart. I thoroughly enjoyed the stories and recommend them for anyone looking to sink into escapism. The well-written novellas are fun, easy reads.

Available at Amazon


Read a good book lately?



Elephant's Child said...

Language isn't generally a deal breaker for me.
Woeful editing or gratuitous and explicit violence are both much more likely to make me close the book and walk away.
Thanks for the heads up on new to me books.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lots of tempting reads here. I always have at least 2 books on the go,one fact and one fiction. Hugs, Valerie

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the book recommendations. The Sorcerer's Garden looks good to me.

Jemima Pett said...

Nice set of book reviews - and then I realised I've connected with several of the authors! Happy IWSG day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The Sorcerer's Garden sounds twisted.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Natalie:)

Diana is an excellent fantasy writer.

Sandra Cox said...

I hear ya on the deal breakers.
YOU have an amazing day:)

Sandra Cox said...

Good on you, Val.
Me too.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

That's excellent, Jemima:)

Sandra Cox said...

In a good way:) It does have lots of twists and turns.

Sally Cronin said...

Thanks so much Sandra for including me in the post with such wonderful writers... terrific reviews.. Enjoy the rest of the week..♥

D. Wallace Peach said...

A great bunch of reviews, Sandra, and what a happy surprise to see The Sorcerer's Garden here too. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review. I enjoyed Sally's book and also get a kick out of reading Jacquie's work. And thanks for the introduction to some new authors and their books. Thanks again for your kindness, and Happy Reading!

Sandra Cox said...

You bet. I really enjoyed your book, Sally.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm a Peach fan:)

D.L. Finn said...

I loved Life is Like a Mosaic too. I have Secrets, Lies, and Alibis up next, I finally caught up in the series :) I felt the same way about Soccer's Garden and have Things he Hadn't Told Her on my TBR list. We've been reading simlar things. I found more to add to my Kindle too. Great reviews, Sandra xo

Gwen Plano said...

Wonderful reviews, Sandra. I loved Life is Like a Mosaic. Sally has a beautiful way of sharing her life with readers. And, I'm looking forward to exploring the other books you've mentioned. 😊

Jan Sikes said...

Fantastic reviews, Sandra!! I have read a few of these and just added a few more to my wish list!! Thank you for sharing!

Staci Troilo said...

Congratulations to all the authors. This is a great selection.

cleemckenzie said...

That's quite a nice list, Sandra. Thanks for sharing it today.

Mae Clair said...

Hi, Sandra! Happy October and Autumn.
You've got some great reviews up today. I've read several of these authors and they always deliver a good tale. Hope all is well with you!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good list of books, Sandra. I'm with you on the language. I'll know when I reach the point that it bothers me. Until then, not sure. I can say, yours is always well-balanced, especially considering the characters and the times you deal with.

B. Weeks said...

Wonderful selection of books you've reviewed, Sandra. I've shared this on Twitter. Congratulations to each of these authors.

Sandra Cox said...

We have been reading similar books:) All good ones aren't they?
Thanks, bud:) xo

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's nice you don't slam books for a few typos.

Sandra Cox said...

Mosaic is my favorite Sally read:)
Thanks so much for stopping by, Gwen.

Christine said...

Good question and thanks for sharing these reviews.

Sandra Cox said...

Great! Thanks so much for stopping by.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by and supporting the authors, Staci:)

Sandra Cox said...

You bet. Thanks for stopping by, Lee.

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Mae! They deliver for sure:)
Congrats on your new release.
Thanks for stopping by.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jacqui. Back at ya:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Beem. Appreciate it;)

Sandra Cox said...

No matter how hard we try, the little gremlins continue to slip through, don't they, Di?

Sandra Cox said...

Why thank you, Christine:) Entirely my pleasure.

jbiggar said...

Hi Sandra, thanks so much for including me with these awesome authors! I see a few to add to my poor TBR list :)
As for drawing a line; I hate sex of the sake of filling pages. If it adds to a scene, okay, but we don't need five pages to get the drift- if you know what I mean, lol

John Howell said...

Great reviews, Sandra.

Joan Hall said...

Nice reviews. Diana's book sound very intriguing.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I enjoyed all the reviews, but I want to find and read The Sorcerer's Garden based on your review.

Lee said...

Along with doing some reading, today I'm going to tackle a couple of cryptic crossword puzzles.

Take good care. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - I prefer the simple profanity if necessary ... but hope the effect can be carried through by the character without being said - perhaps that's why I'm happier with a non-fiction book ... I read a few others! Thanks for these reviews ... cheers Hilary

Birgit said...

I could not write very prejudiced words even though there are some books that have and need to be in the story, like “To Kill A Mockingbird.” The books sound good like the spies but also the fantasy one with the lady reading the man’s book to him and finding out there is more than meets the eye.

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you found some more TBRs;)

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, John:)

Sandra Cox said...

I'm sure Diana would very much appreciate that, Elizabeth:)

Sandra Cox said...

It is for sure, Joan:)

Sandra Cox said...

Cryptic crossword puzzles:) I love it.

Sandra Cox said...

I get it.
You are most welcome.

Sandra Cox said...

Both good stories:)
I couldn't finish To Kill A Mockingbird because I got so turned off by the constant use of the N word.