Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ketch-up and IWSG Day


As you can see, I'm combining Ketch-up Day and IWSG. The HH is having surgery tomorrow. He'll be in the hospital a few days and when he gets out: no bending, lifting or twisting for awhile, so my blogging will be limited. I'm going to shoot for once a week through December then hopefully back to a normal blogging schedule in January:)



The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.


Twitter handle: @TheIWSG  

Hashtag: #IWSG

The awesome co-hosts for the December 6 posting of the IWSG are C. Lee McKenzie, JQ Rose, Jennifer Lane, and Jacqui Murray!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional!
December 6 question: Book reviews are for the readers. When you leave a book reviews do you review for the Reader or the Author? Is it about what you liked and enjoyed about your reading experience, or do you critique the author?


J. Q. Rose has a new release

“well-organized, easy-to-understand writing guide”
“Biblical references with prompts are excellent”
“topic aimed at women from a Christian perspective”
“content engages the reader to recognize the power of her own stories”Buy links:

Universal link eBook  






November/December Reviews in no particular order.

Disclaimer: The occasional typo is not factored in to my reviews.


THE SEAS OF TIME by D. Wallace Peach

Taila is a young woman who wants to make a difference. When she arrives at the inn, she has no idea just how much of a difference she is going to make…

With her usual delicate touch and impressive descriptions, Ms. Peach has taken a difficult topic and brought a sobering reality to fantasy as she transports a young black woman back to the days of slavery in the fourth book of the Harbor Pointe series. I was very nervous while reading this story, not knowing what Taila might encounter, but the author handled the situation deftly and didn’t put the reader into any untenable situations, which could have been easily done given the subject matter. It was an engrossing story with a positive ending and as with all of Ms. Peach’s stories a well- told tale.

Here are just a few of Ms. Peach’s prose that enticed this reader.

‘The deck pitched to starboard on a rogue wave.’

‘A gray scratch of foggy Oregon coast lapsed in and out of view, its barren sea stacks rising from a froth of breakers like Africa’s bull elephants.’

‘His grip tightened on the rail, knuckles bloodless and tendons strung like rigging under a heavy strain.’

Once again, D. Wallace Peach has produced a winner. THE SEAS OF TIMES is a great addition to the series.

Available at Amazon



RATTLESNAKE by C. Lee McKenzie

A haunting time travel YA

He’s only seventeen, but Jonah Guthrie has had his share of trouble. His dad has been accused of embezzlement and disappeared. He has issues at school. His sister Allie is a pain and his aunt Margaret, who is now their guardian, moves them from New Hampshire to the dying town of Rattlesnake, Nevada—a place as sinister as its name—where they’ve inherited a house that’s fallen into disuse and a silver mine that’s defunct. And if that’s not enough to deal with Jonah discovers the house comes with its own ghost.

The ghost is a beautiful young woman named Catherine who needs his help. Jonah is drawn to her as she is to him. To help her he must find a way to clear her uncle’s name. A task that’s not only difficult, but dangerous as well.

Both young people are trying to come to grips with family scandals. One in the present. One over a hundred years ago.

I found myself enthralled with this story from beginning to end. The author deftly weaves the strands of past and present into an intriguing mystery that leaves the reader wondering what’s going to happen next.

Ms. McKenzie’s tales never fail to entertain and Rattlesnake is no exception.

Available at Amazon



A book to add to your Christmas reads.

On a mission, the devil visits London Christmas Eve. He has a specific list of folks he wants to call on and his reasons for doing so may surprise you.

As we saunter through London with the devil, we meet the lost and the hopeless, the degenerate, and those that have knowingly sold their souls. We are also reminded that Lucifer was once an angel.

While we stroll, the author tosses us historical tidbits of the city that add a layer to the story. Then as Christmas Eve ends, so does this Christmas tale or so we think. But the author has one more surprise waiting for us before the story reaches its conclusion.

I found this read to be delightful. It held my attention from beginning to end. The voice was unique and gave a nontraditional twist to Satan.

If you are mining for a new book, this one’s a definite gem. I’ll be keeping a look out for more stories by this author in the future.

Available at Amazon



In the Harbor Pointe Series, it is now 1967 and best friends Lacey and Sandy are heading to the Pointe for a getaway vacation, unaware of the terror that awaits them as a killer lurks in the shadows.  

Once the two friends arrive at the Inn, the reader is reconnected to characters from Book 2. The author handles the reconnection in a seamless manner, capturing the endearing qualities of the previous characters.

Besides believable characters, Ms. Finn’s descriptions are rich and highly visual. And as an added bonus she gives the reader information about sea life. IE How to tell the age of a sand dollar—by counting its rings—in one of her visuals.

The story is full of unforeseen twists and surprising turns that keep the reader on his/her toes. All in all, a grand addition to the Series.

Available at Amazon



Elephant's Child said...

Good luck to your husband (and to you as he recovers).
I review (not often enough) for the reader.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope everything goes well with the surgery.

Jamie Ghione said...

Echoing Alex--I too, hope, everything goes well with the surgery.

Christine said...

Good luck to your hubby.

D.L. Finn said...

I will be thinking of you both tomorrow, Sandra! Great reviews and honored to be included in them. I see I have more books to add to my list and completely agree about Diana's story, she knocked it out of the park...or inn! Sending hugs xo

CJ Kennedy said...

Wishing your HH a speedy recovery!

D. Wallace Peach said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews, Sandra, from top to bottom, including two from the Harbor Pointe series. I thoroughly enjoyed Denise's story. Rattlesnake and A Festive Juxtaposition sound like reads I'd enjoy.

I'm so grateful for your thoughtful review of Seas of Time and was relieved by your comment that the hard parts of the situation were handled well. It's always a concern when writing about real issues. Hopefully, the book struck a nice balance all the way around. Huge hugs, my friend.

Sue Coletta said...

Hope the hubby is on the mend soon. Congratulations to the authors!

Jan Sikes said...

I love these reviews, Sandra. I've read the Seas of Time and The Destination and loved them both! Sending healing prayers for your husband. May his recovery be swift and complete!

Nicholas C. Rossis said...

May your husband be back on his feet in no time! Thanks for the great recommendations.

DUTA said...

Wishing your husband a smooth surgery and speedy recovery!

Computer Tutor said...

Prayers for you and HH, Sandra. You will get through it. What a chock-full post!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'm featuring Lee and Rattlesnake tomorrow.

May the surgery go well. Stay on top of him and keep him from overdoing it.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hope everything goes well with the surgery.
Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

J.P. Alexander said...

Esperó que todo salga bien con la operación. Te mando un beso y gracias por las reseñas,

Natalie Aguirre said...

I hope your husband's surgery goes well. I'm glad you enjoyed Lee's book so much. I'm looking forward to reading it.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much for introducing my book, Your Life with Jesus, today! And what a round-up of interesting books to read! Wishing HH a speedy recovery!

Virgilante said...

Hope your husband is healing well. Thanks for these wonderful book introductions.

Jeanie said...

Sending all good wishes for your husband's surgery and good results and healing. Hang in there!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - all the best for today and that surgery ... or was it yesterday! I'm sure all will be well - just a very careful life for you both for a while. Good luck to you both through this month ... and we'll see you when we see you - good luck to all the authors too - cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC, Alex, Jamie, Christine, and Denise. All well wishes appreciated.
Denise, Knocked it out of the inn.' Haha. xo

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ, Nicholas, Duta, Sue, Jan, for the well wishes. We appreciate each and every wish.
Diana, You are most welcome. You all did an amazing job of storytelling. Kudos.
Jan, Both were extremely well-written weren't they?
Thanks for stopping by, Nicholas.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you so much, Duta.
Thanks, Jacqui. Much appreciated.
Thanks, Di. Will do. And thanks for featuring Lee.
J.P. You bet. Thanks for the good wishes. Hugs,
Thank you for those good wishes, Jan.
Thanks, Natalie. I'm sure you'll enjoy Lee's book.
Cuz, You bet. Thanks for the well wishes.
Nicholas, You are most welcome. Thanks for the well wishes and for stopping by.
Virgilante, You are most welcome. Thank you for the well wishes and stopping by.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Hils, Thanks for the well wishes. Appreciated,