Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ketch-up Tuesday


How are you?

Last week was sad for us. Penny crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was diagnosed with cancer recently and it was bad enough, and progressed so quickly, we had to put her to sleep a couple of weeks after the diagnosis. She was thirteen and of those thirteen years we'd had her eleven.   I'd like to share a few of her stories:

When she and Frank were younger and more boisterous, they liked to party down when the HH and I were gone. To this day I don't know who managed to get the door open since it was a regular doorknob, but they would break into the food pantry. Frank would knock the food off the shelves and Penny would cart it to the dining room and they'd chow down.  It got so bad we had to get a dead bolt put on the pantry door.


She and the neighbor dog used to have races, each running on their side of the fence as fast as they could go.  Frank would even get in on the action but he was usually left in the dust.


I was appalled to learn that one Thanksgiving when she was staying at the sitter's over Thanksgiving, she  stole the Thanksgiving turkey. (Though, she was generous enough to share it with one of the other dogs.) Luckily, the sitter discovered it before Penny and her partner-in- crime had done much more than waller it to the floor.  

On Penny's last day, her sitter came to say goodbye.

We feel her loss keenly.

RIP Penny. You're missed.


Elephant's Child said...

I am so sorry. It hurts like hell, and she will always claim a home in your hearts.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Oh Sandra - I am sorry to read this ... always so sad. Fun memories though - and how do they get into the food cupboard, or eat turkeys ... clever four legged souls! My thoughts with you and HH in the coming days ... cheers Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful character, full of energy... and Thanksgiving turkey xx

Donna said...

I am SO SORRY for your loss of Miss Penny!
Loved the cute stories of a tiny bit of her life in your loving home.
Big hug and prayer for peace and comfort

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Very sorry about Penny! She was family. Funny she and Frank worked together to steal food from the pantry.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm sorry you lost Penny. I enjoyed your stories about her. My dog is 11, and I know I'll lose her one of these days too.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Sandra, I am truly sorry. Our “pets” aren’t
just “pets”, they are family. Sending hugs
and loves to you all, I know how much this

Penny, may you find turkey on every plate,
and trees full of biscuits as you live your
forever life now in heaven


Jamie Ghione said...

So sorry to hear this. She sounded like a wonderful dog.

Jacqui Murray said...

My heart breaks for you, Sandra. Penny is fine, up with so many friends (my dogs included). But you have a hole in your heart. Filling it with memories is a good idea. Love the dog races with the neighbor!

Jacqui Murray said...

My heart breaks for you, Sandra. Penny is fine, up with so many friends (my dogs included). But you have a hole in your heart. Filling it with memories is a good idea. Love the dog races with the neighbor!

Blogger is giving me difficulty posting. I may end up 'anonymous'--but it's Jacqui

Christine said...

So sad

Sandra Cox said...

EC, Thank you. Yes, she's definitely in our hearts.
Thanks, Hils. I appreciate the good wishes and thoughts. And yes, good memories.
Annalisa, 'Full of energy and Thanksgiving turkey.' That made me smile. Congrats on your upcoming release.
Thank you, Donna.I appreciate that. Caught the hug:)
Alex, Thank you. Yes, definitely family. Those two could find more trouble to get into.

Birgit said...

I am so sorry to hear about Penny. It just sucks when you lose a furnace. They are part of the family and Penny was a huge part of yours. Having list our sweet Jade 2 weeks ago makes me feel so sad for you because the heart hurts even though they are in a better place. My thoughts go out to you and your family

Sandra Cox said...

Natalie, Thank you. I hope your dog has many years left ahead of it.
FSG, Thank you. Penny would love turkey and biscuit trees:)
Thank you, Jamie. She was one of a kind for sure:)
Thank you, Jacqui. I appreciate that.
Thank you, Birgit. I'm so very sorry to hear about Jade.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Christine. Yes:(

Karen Jones Gowen said...

That's hard to lose a valued friend you've had for so many years, part of your family and your daily routine. It's a great loss.

Sandi said...

My condolences.

Sandra Cox said...

Karen, It is for sure. Thank you.
Thank you, Sandi.

Citu said...

Lo siento mucho. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Thank you:) Sending you hugs,

Lowcarb team member said...

I was so sorry to read this about Penny, my condolences.

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you so much, Jan.

Jeanie said...

Oh Sandra, I'm just reading this now as I'm behind on blogs. I am SO deeply sorry to hear about Penny. She had a wonderful and loving home (and it sounds like she also had a best friend in Frank.) It hurts so much, that final farewell and my heart aches for you and your husband. Sending all my love your way for healing.

(Be aware of Frank -- cats grieve too, so just be aware.)

Sandra Cox said...

Jeanie, Thank you so much for your kind condolences. They are appreciated.