Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know


 What's your word, sentence, synonym or example for:


Example: The eyewinker in my eye is driving me crazy!


 Did you know, due to his love of animals, Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian?

For more information: History of Vegetarianism - Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - da Vinci's vegetarianism (


The answer to yesterday's question, one cat or two?

Two. Maisy and Frank:)


Elephant's Child said...

Eye winker is not a phrase I have come acroos. Having looked it up they drive me crazy too.
Yay for Leonardo.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not familiar with this word, but I can tell you that I passed a young woman the other day, and she was an eyewinker! My lashes are still fluttering!

Jamie Ghione said...

Never knew either of these :)

Valerie-Jael said...

How do you find all of these questions?! Hugs!

Donna said...

Haven't heard of either one! Good to know!

Andrew said...

I don't know the term, and nor did I know da Vinci was a vego.
I didn't answer the yesterday's question, but I thought one cat and a reflection.

Christine said...

Interesting fact

Jeanie said...

I always knew I liked Leo DaV!

Pat Hatt said...

Eyewinker sounds like some sort of peeper lol

Truedessa said...

Haha Two cats…who would’ve guessed.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I've never used eye winker. I only have one cat left. I tried to convince my husband she was lonely so we could get another cat. We got a trial-visit kitty and my cat was the biggest bully. We will remain a one-cat family for now.

Sandra Cox said...

Jamie, Your factoids for the week:)
Thanks, Donna. Hugs received and returned.
Andrew, I found it fascinating that he was vegetarian, in a time you never heard much about it. Lots of folks saw Maisy as a reflection.
David, you are so funny:)
Thanks, Christine:)
Pat, It does, doesn't it?:)
Jeanie, I'm a big fan of his too.
True, They look a lot alike, don't they?

Sandra Cox said...

Val, Here and there:) Hugs received and returned.
Elizabeth, Is it the black kitty? Cats can be pretty territorial.

J.P. Alexander said...

no lo sabía. Te mando un beso.

CJ Kennedy said...

Never heard of eyewinker. Like a spec? Floater? Didn’t know that about Leonardo

Birgit said...

I had no idea about DaVinci...very cool. I had an eyewinker yesterday while driving! Not the best thing.

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Sending you hugs.
CJ, Yup on the eyewinker. Hope you're having fun.
Birgit, It is cool about DaVinci, isn't it? Ouch about the eyewinker.