Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your word, synonym, example or sentence for:

Example: My uncle robbed a bank which made him a scofflaw.




Did you know, the term sideburns was originally burnsides and coined for General Ambrose Burnside who sported unusually bushy sideburns connected by his mustache?


For more information: Sideburns - Wikipedia






Elephant's Child said...

Happy National Writing Day. I suspect your uncle was an outlaw rather than a scofflaw. I thought that scofflaws ignored laws that were hard to police - like library/parking fines...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - definitely Happy Writing Day and to all author's futures. I didn't know Scofflaw - but EC's comment makes lots of sense. Sideburns - I'd no idea about ... but they go up and down. Cheers Hilary

Andrew said...

Scofflaw. I suppose it is self explanatory but I didn't know the word. Outlaw is not bad but perhaps not used here, or in your country either perhaps now. Nope, I am at a loss.

Btw, my Yahoo app is ok, but the desktop website certainly is not and hasn't been ok for over a day.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I feel quite smug this morning, inasmuch as I knew the word “Scofflaw” and I think I may have actually used it a few times. Donald Trump is a scofflaw of the highest order, followed by those of his sycophants who follow his example.

Christine said...

Fun word and fact today.

Valerie-Jael said...

I have never heard of scofflaw, something learned again! Hugs!

CJ Kennedy said...

I like the word Felon 😉Didn't know that about sideburns. Happy National Writing Day. I hope your day is productive.

Jamie Ghione said...

Didn't know that word, but did know about sideburns.

D.L. Finn said...

This word is new to me and I didn't know about sideburns! Xo

Sandra Cox said...

EC, That is the most common definition for sure.
Hils, Heh. They do go up and down, don't they:)Cheers.
Andrew, Scofflaw is a new one for me, but outlaw is used a lot over here. I am sorry to hear about your desktop website. Ack. Hope that turns around. Keep me posted. I haven't tried anymore attachments on gmail.
Good job, David. And yes, prime example.
Thanks, Christine;)

Sandra Cox said...

Val, It was a new one for me too:) Hugs received and returned.
Thanks, CJ. And felon is definitely a good word;)
Good job on knowing about the sideburns, Jamie:)
Denise, It's a fun word though, isn't it? xo

Computer Tutor said...

Love that word. It rolls off your tongue.

J.P. Alexander said...

Feliz día de la escritura. Te mando un beso.

Jeanie said...

Scofflaw is a great word. I didn't know that about Burnside/sideburns but it makes sense!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I never heard the word scofflaw before, but I did know about the sideburns. I think I heard it during a Gettysburg tour...maybe.

Yay, national writing day! I must go write something.

Sandra Cox said...

It does, doesn't it, Jacqui?
Thanks, JP. Sending you hugs.
Jeanie, It's a good word though, isn't it? Agreed on the Burnside/sideburns making sense:)
Elizabeth, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't mentioned on your tour since it was that time period. Get writing, girlfriend;)

Lee said...

I learn something new every day...or I try to! :)

Neurotic Workaholic said...

Hmm, maybe a synonym for scofflaw could be criminal or rebel. But rebel would be questionable/confusing since there are rebels who didn't break the law.