Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ketch-up Day


 How are you? We are still getting rain and this is what is growing in the Eternal Garden.




The hydrangeas have hung in there.


And from Colorado.

Thanks, Julie.

 What's going on in your neck of the woods?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - lucky garden ... the hydrangeas will love it. Wish I knew more about mushrooms ... but they always amaze and herald 'wet' ... cheers Hilary

Elephant's Child said...

How I wish we were getting rain. Happy Friendship Day - yet another day which should be every day.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Not sure about your lucky mushrooms/toadstools, but they seem to be doing well. I understand this is definitely the year for hydrangeas. They seem to be doing well and hanging on this year due to your warm winter.

Every day should be International Friendship Day, but I love that photo.

The only thing going on here is the heat. I am SO ready for cooler weather. Have a super day, dear Sandra.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am quite sure the mushrooms decided to appear on International Friendship Day to show that we can all be friends if we just try. Probably a hard message to convey in Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, Iran, Trumpworld……….

CJ Kennedy said...

I saw a meme that said all mushrooms are edible. Some of them only once! Happy International Friendship Day. Thank you for being my friend.

Andrew said...

As an Australian might say, is there a good feed in those mushrooms? I don't like mushrooms, in case you are considering sending any to me.

Christine said...

Huge mushrooms. Enjoying Olympics- Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

Birgit said...

Look at the neat looking mushrooms. Now, you need a couple of gnomes:). I am having a lazy day since came back from Quebec. We cleaned and gave lots of love to our furbabes. It’s hot and humid here.

D.L. Finn said...

I love all your mushroom pics :) We are a few mo ths out from ours popping up. Warm and dry here. Xo

da tabbies o trout towne said...

frankie N crew…they bee ale ee endz sporez…de big one eye bet
iz ther ship 🙀🤖

Sandra Cox said...

Hils,Mushrooms do love the wet, don't they? Sure am glad we've had the rain.
EC, Happy Friendship Day to you, my friend. Hope you get rain soon.
Elizabeth, So true. Every day should be Friendship Day. I'm with you on cooler weather. Fall can't come to soon.

Janie Junebug said...

In my neck of the woods, it's hot and humid and we have a thunderstorm every day. I desperately need to mow my front yard. Those are some big mushrooms. It's funny that I seldom see mushrooms growing here where it's so damp.


Sandra Cox said...

David, A hard message indeed.
CJ, That's hilarious:)
Andrew, I'll cancel the shipment. Heh.
Christine, Glad you're enjoying the olympics.
Birgit, Glad you are home. Safe and sound.

Sandra Cox said...

Denise, wishing you cool and rain.xo
FSG, It looks big enough to be the mother ship:) Take care:)
Janie, Good point. I wonder why that is. So sorry for your loss.

Citu said...

Lindos perros. Me gustaron los hongos. Te mando un beso.

Jeanie said...

Fungi season! It's starting up north, too. That's where I've been. Now home for a few days and back!