Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you? How's your weather. We had rain last night. Woot.  Woot. It's been so dry here that instead of rustling the grass crunches when you walk on it. 

If you celebrate, did you do anything 4th of July? The HH popped up some popcorn and we went to the fireworks.


Remember the nests in the butterfly bush? Looks like we've got renters:) If you look closely you can see three little heads.


It's butterfly season here.  This is what we usually get: 


Yellow and black swallowtails.

Last week I saw a Zebra zooming around.  


My poor hibiscus is one of the few things still blooming in this heat.




From Illinois

Thanks, Allison 

Every made these? They consist of Twinkies, Twix and red gel.

That's all, blogger buds.




Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Goodness. You had a wonderful 4th. I watched the fireworks from my porch. They were everywhere in my neighborhood.

You have some amazing swallowtails. Amazing close ups, too.

Enjoyed seeing Frank. And those faux hot dogs were clever.

Elephant's Child said...

Love the flutterbyes. And Frank.

Andrew said...

It's rained here all day, so grey and gloomy. But we need the rain, as Australians so often say.

Andrew said...

Oh yes, any idea how the zebra butterfly got its name?

Donna said...

Looks like you all had a fun time! Love the hotdog idea!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great range of swallowtails. They are always welcome and provide great delight.

CJ Kennedy said...

Some people are melting up here. Not me. I don't mind the heat and humidity because Winter lasts 10 months. Looks like a fun Fourth. The little birds are so cute and wow on the butterflies. Um, I'll pass the Twinkie dogs. Headbutts to Frank.

Valerie-Jael said...

Your Frankie is sooooo sweet! Lovely butterflies, too, ad how nice to have baby birds! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love your butterflies. It's awesome you get so many.

Jamie Ghione said...

I too, love the butterflies. I haven't seen many where I live.

Jeanie said...

Frank is the ultimate beauty. Looks like you had a great fourth. We had fireworks too. The garden is looking just terrific, Sandra!

Computer Tutor said...

I don't see many butterflies out here. Seeing yours is a treat.

Christine said...

The joys of summer!

Sandra Cox said...

Elizabeth, I would love to be able to set on my porch and watch the fireworks. Sigh.
EC, Both the flutterbys and Frank appreciate that;)
Andrew, Heh.
Donna, Aren't those candy hot dogs fun? Hugs received and returned.
David, They sure do provide delight, don't they?

Romance Book Haven said...

Awesome news all around. And you had a great 4th with all the things happening. Beautiful butterflies.

D. Wallace Peach said...

What a wonderful glimpse into your summer, Sandra. Thank goodness for the rain, and the rest looks fun and beautiful. Hang in there through the heat and enjoy yourself.

Sandra Cox said...

It is for sure, Natalie:)
Jamie, It's one of the joys of this area.
Jeanie, Your fireworks were amazing. Frank is in complete agreement with you. Heh.
Jacqui, I'm glad you enjoyed them:)
Christine, Indeed;)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks Romance Book Haven:) Glad you stopped by.
Thanks, Diana;) AND Thanks for stopping by. You enjoy your summer too:)

J.P. Alexander said...

Bellas mariposas. Me gustaron las flores y el gato. Te mando un beso.

Birgit said...

Love the fireworks! You had a nice vantage point to see this. The butterflies are so pretty but I worry about the Monarch. I have not seen any yet. You have such a great garden to see ll these butterflies. What a sweet pussycat!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, JP. Sending you a hug.
Birgit, Butterflies are always so much fun to watch. I worry about the Monarchs too.
Thank you:)

D.L. Finn said...

First year in a long time we stayed home on the 4th. De decided it was too hot to go watch. Gorgeous butterfly shots too. We have similar butterflies. Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Denise, Don't ya just love those butterflies:) Hugs

Sandra Cox said...

PS I get staying home because of the heat.

Sandra Cox said...

Val, The baby birds have flown, but mom is still keeping an eye on them. I think she's single parenting. I haven't seen dad in awhile. Hugs

Sandra Cox said...

CJ, Frank is sending head butts back with a request for treats:) The baby birds have already flown the nest. Momma Bird has been such a good little mother. She's worn herself out.