Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ketch-up Day

 How was your weekend and the beginning of your week?

We finally went to visit the grands. With the HH's back issues it had been a year since we'd been there.  We got to see the granddaughter play volleyball.( She shot the winning ball over the net.) Watch Thor with the grandson. Play with the youngest grandson AND the cat and dog:) And enjoy our son and DIL AND lunch with a dear friend. Oh, Oh, nearly forgot, while we were at the restaurant, we started chatting with the woman behind us in line. Turns out she was the aunt of Chicago Bull's Coby White. 

Did you see the Harvest Moon? Got a couple of shots, that don't do it justice..



We finally got the support posts and wires up for the blackberry bush and grapevine. They were relieved:)


Has anyone gotten any  Food Lion mums? They're huge and VERY reasonably priced.


This is a tree at my son and his families' house. Notice anything odd about it?

It has at least two little trees of different varieties growing in it. There's a third as well, but I'm not sure if it's a plant or tree.


Frank's book pick of the week is by David Baldacci.


From Colorado.

Thanks, Julie.


From Illinois

Thanks, Jan.


From Illinois

Thanks, Jan.

That's it for today. Have a grand one, bloggers.


Janie Junebug said...

I love your photo of the moon through the window. It's a cool composition. Congratulations to your granddaughter for making the winning shot. My daughter played volleyball. I enjoyed the games because I could understand what was going on as opposed to other sports, most of which are a mystery to me. I had a good weekend. Rebekah and I went to a concert Saturday night. It was so good that my good mood won't go away.


Elephant's Child said...

Your moon shots are better than mine. Love Frank's way of signifying his approval of a book. And hooray for seeing family.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Now that’s the ultimate seal of approval on a book! Instead of writing reviews I should invite the neighbourhood cats in for a visit.

Andrew said...

It sounds like your visit to family was great.
Those small tree growths look like suckers which may or may not be the same as the parent plant.
Your first moon photo is so nicely framed.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you had a good visit with family. We have an odd tree like that.

D.L. Finn said...

So happy you had a good visit! What a great tree shot and so interesting it's more than one. Love the moon shots, we had clouds do didn't get to see it. Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Volleyball gets pretty exciting when that ball isn't hitting the floor doesn't it? I love concerts. There's very little that's more fun than a good concert.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, EC:) The visit was great and the moon wondrous:)

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. They'd love it.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you have a good trip seeing your family. It must have been hard not seeing your grandkids for a year.