Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your word, synonym, definition or sentence for:


Example: I was chuffed with my book review.



Did you know, the letter A does not appear in any numbers up to a thousand?

For more information: No Number from 1 to 999 Contains This Letter | Reader's Digest (


Elephant's Child said...

Chuffed is a word we use. I think it is more expressive (and shorter) than very, very pleased.
Some one was a real numbers nerd to work out that fact.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Chuffed ... one of my favourite words ... I hadn't thought about the letter 'a' not appearing as such in any of the first thousand numbers ... my toes don't count further than that! Enjoy the day ... at least we have sun here, despite chilly early autumn day ... cheers (another favourite!) Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think we are being a little English-centric here. It is only in English that the letter A does not appear. In French the fourth number is quatre, in Spanish cuatro , in German the eighth word is acht - and so on. I was really chuffed to see Kamala demolish Trump last night.

Birgit said...

That’s an English expression, right? I’m chuffed that Harris thumped Trump’s ass! I knew about the letter A but forgot until you mentioned it here. Hope you’re having a lovely day.

Sandra Cox said...

Chuffed. I like it!
Indeed, on the numbers nerd:)

Sandra Cox said...

Yay for the sun:) I hear ya on the counting on toes:) Cheers,

Sandra Cox said...

Excellent sentence.

Jeanie said...

I actually use "chuffed" rather a lot!

Andrew said...

Some words cannot be bettered, and chuffed is one of them.

Janie Junebug said...

I've never used chuffed, but perhaps I should start.


Sandra Cox said...

Good sentence. Heh.

Sandra Cox said...


J.P. Alexander said...

Te mando un beso y me imagino que eso es ingles. Te mando un beso.

Truedessa said...

I don't think I've ever used that word before. I may have to incorporate into a poem. haha

Sandra Cox said...

That would be fun;)

Sandra Cox said...

I completely agree;)

Sandra Cox said...

It's a plan. I intend on incorporating it. It's a fun little word:)

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and thanks;) Sending you a hug.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I started using it when I visited my online British friends. Your trivia was news to me.

Got the dreaded "Failed to Publish," but will keep trying till blogger takes my comment.