Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ketch-Up Day


Finally! Did you think I was never coming back? It's been crazy busy, but things are finally slowing down. Relatives came by train, plane and automobiles:) There were thirteen of us on Christmas Day. We took our last travelers to the airport Dec. 30.  What about you? Did you have wonderful holidays? Are things calm at your house?

Here's a couple more shots from the train, when we went to Philly over Thanksgiving.


Our daughter's orange tree. Can you see the green orange?

I'm thinking I need one:) What do you think?


As is rapidly becoming a tradition, the Friday after Thanksgiving we went to Longwood Gardens. It was beautiful as always.

A Poinsettia Tree


That's it for now. More Longwood pics to come. Let me know how your holidays were.  I'm anxious to hear.


Andrew said...

Longwood Gardens look as wonderful as ever.

Elephant's Child said...

You have been busy.
It is lovely to see you back. Andrew is right about those gardens.

Jamie Ghione said...

Love your decorations. Glad to see you back.

D.L. Finn said...

Those gardens look amazing, Sandra! Busy here too, still recouping from all the fun. Glad your holidays were fun filled xo

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've missed you and am glad to see you checked in. You had a LOT of company over the holidays. I chose to stay home and snuggle with the "boys."

I was blown away by Longwood Gardens. I especially loved the white poinsettia and the tree with snow. They were all jaw dropping, though.

Janie Junebug said...

I've missed you and was indeed wondering where you were. The photos are lovely. You had quite a crowd--more than I could handle. It's pretty quiet here.


Sandra Cox said...

It's a wonderful spot for sure, Andrew. Hope all is well on your end.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you so much, EC. It's great to be back. You'd love the gardens.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jamie:) Glad to be back.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Denise:) LOL on recouping from all the fun:)

Jeanie said...

I was wondering about you and beginning to be a little worried. Your holiday sounds lovely -- and Longwood looks spectacular!

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Elizabeth! Glad you and the boys snuggled in. Longwood is such a beautiful place.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks so much for the welcome and miss, Janie. Luckily, my daughter and SIL took care of the Christmas dinner. Hope your holidays were wondrous.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I can see you had a wonderful holiday season. I am happy for you! (we did too)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beautiful trees. Sounds like you had a houseful for Christmas. And no, I can't see the orange.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - sounds like you had a fun time ... and now time for a little rest!! Those gardens look beautiful - Happy New Year and cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

So glad to hear you did, Jacqui. Were the babies in?

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Alex, Yes and yes:) The orange looks more like a green apple than an orange and definitely blends:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Hils, How are you? We did have fun. And resting sounds purrfect:) Happy New Year:) Cheers.

Truedessa said...

Welcome back! I was starting to get concerned as you were gone longer than usual.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the concern, True, and sorry for the worry.