Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Ketch-up Day



Greetings Blogger Buds. Did you catch any of the storm?As you can see, we got some snow and ice, but were very, very lucky.

To our friends in California, you are constantly in our thoughts.

 I stewed some apples in the crock pot the other day. Not too bad and easy peasy--which is always a prerequisite for me 😀 Just toss in some sliced apples, butter, sugar and cinnamon and let them stew. Pecans optional.


I was very pleased to get this painting from my daughter for Christmas:) Her eye for detail always amazes me.


Some critter pics.

Frank still re-cooping from the holidays.

Where's Nori....

Remember this little girl? A rescue in Virginia took her and she has a new home. I'm so pleased.


From Colorado

Thanks, July


Last but not least

A couple of Belated Happy Birthday Shout-outs.



Elephant's Child said...

Love the critters. If your daughter's painting is the photo before Frank her work is amazing.
Happy birthday to my fellow Capricorns including you.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - yes - we have snow lying on the Downs when I went out yesterday ... nothing here on the coast. Capricorns ... a good sign - thanks for the birthday and blogging anniversary wishes. Your daughter is one talented artist ... but good to see the critters at home. Happy week ahead - cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Your critters look sleepy!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Cute, cozy pictures. Your apple dish sounds tasty.

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks for the birthday greeting, and for the prayers for the So Cal wildfires.

CJ Kennedy said...

Mmm, deconstructed apple pie. Headbutts and cuddles to the critters.