Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 So what's your sentence, example, synonym, or definition for:



Re: Judging something as worthless or having no meaning. 

The last book I read was totally floccinaucinihilipilification. 




Did you know, a cross between a chihuahua and  a dachshund is called a chiweenie?


100 Interesting Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever


Elephant's Child said...

I believe that is the longest word in the English language - though a Welsh train station name may be longer.
I am not certain I would like to see that particular dog cross.

Andrew said...

Can people be floccinaucinihilipilification? I can think of a few.
I think chihuahund would be better than chiweenie.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

One does not need to ponder or reflect, to contemplate or consider, to evaluate or assess, to know with certainty that the government in Washington is the very definition of floccinaucinihilipilification.

Donna said...

Gesundheit !! Lolol

Jeanie said...

Yikes. I can't even pronounce that one!

Jamie Ghione said...

I can't begin to say that word! It sounds like something from "Mary Poppins"!

Birgit said...

I dare you to sing it I can't help it..the Rump and his minions are this word. The person who created this word must have taken a cue from German. They love long, long words.

Truedessa said...

Haha I am not sure I could pronounce that word properly.

D.L. Finn said...

I tried to say the word, but not sure how close I came.. lol. I've read a book or two like that recently as well. I like the crossbreed name! Xo

Christine said...

Fun post

Sandra Cox said...

Donna, Ya got me there:) Heh.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Well said, David.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks:) Glad you thought so, Christine.

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. It does, doesn't it, Jamie?

Sandra Cox said...

Denise, I'm not even trying to pronounce it:) I hear ya on the books. I like chiweenie too:)
s.c ox

Sandra Cox said...

Heh. Me neither, Jeanie:)

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, I can't even sing it forwards;) Heh.

Citu said...

Uy no lo sabía, te mando un beso.

Lee said...

I think I'll stick to not knowing! :)

Sandra Cox said...

EC, I think it must be.

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, Good job on the sentence.
Chihuahund. I like it!:)

Sandra Cox said...

Heh. Right there with ya on that, True.

Sandra Cox said...

Sending you hugs, J.P.

Sandra Cox said...


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Sandra - I'll try not to remember it - and won't even attempt to spell it ... cheers Hilary