Saturday, July 25, 2009

Makita Book Trailer

To Start Trailer Click on Cover


Molly Daniels said...

(hangs head in shame) Daughter asked if I'd ordered this one yet. I will next week! Only a month late for her birthday...

Sandra Cox said...

LOL. Hold your head up Molly:) Let me know when you decide to have your chat and I'll try to drop by for a few hours.

Unknown said...

Ok - I usuaully don't like book trailers but this one I like - I actually want to read the book - and you know I'm not an animal person

Sandra Cox said...

I'm reeling, clutching my heart:)
Trying to figure out how to get it on u tube but so far no success.
Did you have sound?

Unknown said...

Yep - I had sound...not sure about how to get it on you tube - Ashley Ladd would know...or maybe Regina Carylsle...

Sandra Cox said...

ok, thanks!

Mona Risk said...

It's so cute Sandra. I need to buy the book. My granddaughters love to hear me tell them your animals stories.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Mona. That makes me smile:)

Unknown said...

Congrats! Many happy sales.

Shelley Munro said...

I loved the trailer, Sandra. Great job.

Jacquéline Roth said...

Nice Trailer. It actually made me realize I hadn't bought the first book in the series yet, so I ran over and did so.

Sandra Cox said...

That was nice, Jae. Thanks!