As previously mentioned, my daughter, son in law, sister and I went to Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a great time but didn't get to any of the historical sites. sigh. We spent one day at Busch Gardens.My son in law and sister took in all the roller coasters, you know the one's that aren't for the faint of heart? My daughter and I did the water and more sedate rides and were perfectly happy.

On the right, my sister and daughter as you probably already guessed.

My daughter on the bumper cars. I caught up with her though:)

I enjoyed looking at all the photos. It looks like you had a great time. I would have been on the sedate water rides with you and your daughter!
I would love to see more of the historical sites in the US. I was too young and stupid when I went there before
Join the rest of us.
I do regret not getting to see the historical sights. Hopefully next time. Its a neat town. Not too large. Clean.
I think that's Zoey:)
Great pics, Sandra!
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