Day 2.
I spent a good bit of the previous night, waking to make sure I didn't miss the bus. They bussed us in both days from the hotel to Guilford Tech and we were given strict instructions they would leave promptly at seven thir
The day began at eight o'clock were we met in a closed door auditorium and weren't told beforehand what would be going on. We started the day by reading the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. After that all hell broke a theatrical sense. They did a reenactment of a hostage situation that was pretty cool. The police were behind their shields on the side of the auditorium and they had a sniper in full dress in the back. As you probably figured out the bad guy went down. Afterward, the sniper spoke to the audience. Pretty interesting stuff. I don't know about you but I've always wondered when a sniper takes a shot, where there's a hostage as a human shield, whether the perp's finger might involuntarily press the trigger when he goes down. After listening to the speaker, my understanding is the sniper has a three inch window of the face to aim for and when they hit inside that window the person drops on the spot, no twitches, they're gone.
After that, Sherry and I went to the Police Tools and Equipment seminar. This was held by BLET instructor Ri
The next workshop we attended was Going Undercover To Solve Your Crime with instructor Marco Connelli, NYPD detective. This was probably one of our favorite workshops. It was fascinating. Marco talked about the years he'd spent as an undercover cop in NY back when he was in his early twenties in the narcotics division. He also took time to help with writing scenario issues writers were having with realism. He currently publishes YA.
Another favorite
The last one we attended for the day was Crime Scene Investigation/Photography Workshop led by Bill Lanning. It was a good one too. There was so much rain we didn't get the 'treat' of the smells, but that was okay by me:)
It sounds like a great time - and extremely informative. You mentioned Guilford Tech. Is that near Greensboro, NC?
Also, you mentioned about the 3" window on the perps' face. That's really neat.
Looking forward to the next installment. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Rebecca, It certainly is. Are you from NC?
Wow, this sound very interesting. I'm sure you learned much and had a good time doing so.
I live about an hour east of Greensboro. (I didn't think there would be too many Guilford Techs!)
I'll have to attend the Writer's Police Academy next year!
Hey Rhobin, it really was fun. I'd recommend it.
Hi Rebecca, Excellent, another NCer. Greensboro seems like it would be a great place to live. Do you like it there?
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