Welcome, Gordon. Before we get started I'd just like to say, I love the premise of your book. And it always fun to meet another person in the community college system.
Please tell us about Jezebel.
[Gordon Kessler] Thanks for hosting me on your really neat blog, Sandra!
The Halloween season is the perfect time to promote my suspense thriller Jezebel. It’s not just another Cujo—as a matter of fact, the only thing they have in common is that the book’s namesake is a huge dog whose mind has come under control of an outside source and has killed its master. Initially, the reader will find true horror with Jezebel. But while exploring the character, empathy with her is inevitable while discovering a kind of depth unlike any other character they’ve read.
Animals are like special children. They’re all basically good and they don’t intend to do wrong. They want to live and be happy and their basic values and morals are as high or higher than any adult human—until those values and morals have been corrupted. Jezebel is a good dog, sensitive and gentle as a butterfly. But after her mind is corrupted, she struggles throughout the story to bring herself back to the norm.
Tony Parker has his own issues. He’s a faithful family man, handing a midlife crisis as good as most men can. That changes when Jezebel goes on the loose, and other large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent cause. Tony relies heavily on his beautiful and seductive assistant Sarah to help stop the murderous attacks. But something seems to get ahold of him, as well, and he begins to lose self-control as his morals wander while leaning a little too heavily on the lovely young vixen.
Julie Parker is the steadfast wife. She knows what she wants, and has worked hard for

But what evil has come to town to tear all their lives apart—and what could possibly be its motive? You’ll find out when you read Jezebel. But you won’t know the whole story until you’ve read the final words.
Why did you choose a great dane for your killer?
[Gordon Kessler] Great Danes are beautiful dogs. They’re herculean in size and power, yet super loyal, very gentle, unassuming and many times timid. To corrupt the mind of something so gentle yet so awesome in potential power, is about as frightening to me as it gets: your loyal best friend and trusted bodyguard, armed to the teeth, suddenly gone berserk….
What will I as a reader like best about your main male character, Tony Parker?
[Gordon Kessler] Tony is a great guy and family man. He’s a loyal friend, generally easy going—the guy everyone loves. But his temples are showing a little grey, and he isn’t where he’d like to be professionally. He’s focused on family up to now, and sacrificed considerable without complaint. I think male readers can easily identify with Tony. Female readers seem to find him the kind of guy they should have married. But, in a thriller, you have to push buttons, and his buttons are pushed to the limit. He reacts, not always the way you wish he would, and you’ll hope he comes through this incredible plot a better man—if he survives.
How will women identify with beautiful, seductive Sarah Hill?
[Gordon Kessler] Sarah is the girl that guys wish they could find—especially when going through a midlife crisis. The motivation isn’t obvious for most, but an estranged father and abusive relationships could be suggested. Sarah is smart and is passionate about her job. In her personal life, she takes what she wants and uses her assets to their fullest. I think most women readers would like to try on Sarah Hill’s shoes just to see what it’s like to leave inhibitions behind, even if only for a day or two.
Who is your favorite author?
[Gordon Kessler] I can’t name just one. I love thrillers, but not heavy horror. I’m after the suspense and gamut of emotions—a roller coaster ride. I also like to learn new things, understand life’s workings better. The ones who take me on the most exciting and educational ride are: Douglas Preston, James Rollins, Clive Cussler, Dean Koontz and some James Patterson (Alex Cross books) and Stephen King.
What books of yours are currently for sale and where can a reader buy them?
[Gordon Kessler] All three of my thrillers and a couple of short stories are currently on sale as eBooks for only $.99 (just to get those numbers up and to reward my readers for their loyalty). Of course, they’re also available as hardcover and paperback. You can find them on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, Sony—all the major online bookstores including my Amazon author’s page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005HL46E8, as well as www.ReadersMatrix.com. Also, you can check out the Jezebel and Brainstorm book trailers on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zHD9pmHOzk&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eDjWJFbRdI.
By the way, I’m currently working on sequels for all three thrillers. Find out a little more at www.GordonKessler.com and provide feedback/input on my blog at www.WMxBlog.com. Please check them out.
Of course, you can always email me at gordon[at]gordonkessler[dot]com. Please drop me a line!
I hear you've got a great giveaway. Please tell the readers about it and how they can get in on it.
[Gordon Kessler] I’m giving away a $50 Amazon gift certificate to a randomly chosen blogger at the end of my Jezebel blog tour. Let’s hope they buy my books with at least some of it! Thanks again for hosting me, Sandra! It’s been a pleasure, Gordon.
You're most welcome, Gordon. Wishing you many sales on this fascinating book.
Sleep lightly tonight…
A madman has come to town seeking a diabolical revenge and large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent reason and with heinous results.
Animal Control Director Tony Parker must find out why and stop the murderous attacks. Meanwhile, Jezebel, a huge black Great Dane has killed her master and is loose, terrorizing the city and stalking Parker and his family. Parker and Sarah Hill, his beautiful and seductive young assistant, attempt to unravel the mystery and stop the terrible carnage while dealing with their own demons and lusty desires.
The attacks must be stopped. Jezebel must be found-and soon, you see--there is one other complication. Parker seems to have come down with an annoying little virus. No, it's not one of those irritating summer colds. It's certain death.
She's a murderess, huge and black as a hell-bound night.
Beware. Jezebel is on the loose!
Hill went to the front door and watched Chin’s van make a U-turn at the corner and head down the street. The headlights flashed in Hill’s face, momentarily blinding her. She winced. The light burned her already blood-shot, weary eyes.
A silent moment passed before a sound came from outside. The back yard. Scratching. Something was climbing over the fence.
The rifle. It was still next to the back door. Hill moved quickly toward the kitchen. As she made it to the hall, the dog port began to open. Hill stepped to the side, out of sight, before seeing what was coming through.
She trembled, backing up to the wall next to the large window that was painted shut. She could run for the door, but by the time she reached it, she’d be seen. No way out. Hide. Where? There was no place. Behind the sheer curtain, maybe. In the dark, she might not be seen if she was quiet and didn’t move.
She pulled the curtain around her. She could see through it, but it made the already dim room even dimmer. The blowing fan was the only noise. Nothing moved except the oscillating shadows of the fan blades beating the stale air through the room. The green flash of the clock on the CD player caused an eerie, strobing light.
A dark shape slowly emerged from the hallway and moved into the room. Large. Huge. Black.
Author bio: Gordon A Kessler is a former US Marine parachutist, recon scout, and Super Squad team leader, with a bachelor's degree in creative writing. He is a Master Instructor for Johnson County Community College, National Academy of Railroad Sciences, and the BNSF Railway. He has taught novel writing for Butler County Community College, English Composition for Hutchinson Junior College and has previously indie-published the thriller novels Brainstorm and Dead Reckoning, and a book about the novel-writing craft, Novel Writing Made Simple.He is a founder and current president of the Kansas Writers Association and tries to stay connected to writers and the writing industry by doing speaking engagements at writers conferences and for writers organizations, and does his own "The Storyteller" seminar in Wichita, Lincoln (Nebraska), Kansas City, and other Midwestern cities based on his Novel Writing Made Simple book. His websites, http://www.WritersMatrix.com and http://www.IndieWritersAlliance are landing pages for writers to help them in their writing endeavors.
His author website is http://www.GordonKessler.com .
Other links: http://www.ReadersMatrix.com
THE AUTHOR WILL BE GIVING AWAY: a $50 Amazon.com GC. To increase your chances follow the tour. The tour dates can be found here: http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2011/09/virtual-book-tour-jezebel-by-gordon.html
Don't worry. JEZEBEL is on my shopping list. Has to be.
I was nervous just reading the post. Sounds like my kind of read.
Thanks for sharing this great interview! I am liking learing more about this book!
This book does look intriguing doesn't it, ladies?
Thanks, ladies! Don't be too afraid of Jezebel. You might find that you like her in the end!
Just picked up Jezebel, it sounds like the perfect October book with Halloween coming up. Loved the mini interview too!
Wow! This sounds great! Good interview!
Another great interview!
Thanks, ladies.
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