Thursday, July 11, 2013

Changing Seasons

The daylilies are nearly gone, replaced with coneflowers and black-eyed Susans.
Good thing they like water. We've only had a handful of days since spring arrived that it hasn't rained. I wish we could send the excess to the drought stricken areas of the country that are dealing with those horrific wildfires. Ridde me this. Why don't we have man made, interlaced aquifers running through the country to draw on when its needed?

The hh is going to the hospital to have his knee manipulated today. It's supposed to be the equivalent of fifty therapy sessions. All kinds of fun....well maybe not.


Dog and her kittens abandoned at animal shelter:


CJ Kennedy said...

During June, it rained practically every day. Our weather changed to hot and humid with thunderstorms in the afternoon. I can't tell well flowers in the baskets are dead from the heat or drowned.

DEZMOND said...

hope hubs will be OK today, Sandra!

Pat Hatt said...

Knee manipulated? Cringe at the thought of that.

Dana said...

Thinking good thoughts for your husband. Knee manipulation sounds painful.

Fundy Blue said...

Knee manipulation does not sound like fun! Hope all goes well for your husband.

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Love those flowers. Good luck with the knee. Ouch!

Sandra Cox said...

CJ, Isn't this weather something? I think we've beat out the 40 days and 40 nights rain in NC. We'll have a brief moment of silence for your flowers.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Dez. Its in the rearview window now:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Pat, Yeah. It was what you'd expect but its over, so that's a good thing.

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Dana, Thanks. Hopefully this does the trick.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Fundy Blue, appreciate that.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Julia. I think he'll be much better now.