Monday, July 15, 2013

Surprise in the Ferns

I went to water my ferns and look what I found.  I had noticed a Carolina Wren hanging around the porch last week. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, haven't seen any sign of her/him or them today. The female wren lays one egg a day in the morning till she has her clutch which can be four or five eggs. I don't know if she laid this morning or if something has scared them off. Considering they're on the cats' turf, I'm hoping they've been scared off.

Faux Paw napping.

My Knockout Roses.

Hope you're having a great Monday. Although Great and Monday just may be an oxymoron.


CJ Kennedy said...

Love the name of your cat.

Pat Hatt said...

Nice surprise and quite the spot to nap too.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oh, cool! I had some morning doves build a nest in my hanging basket last summer.

Your roses look lovely!

Rhobin said...

What fun! Watch those babies hatch, grow, and eventually fly away. I've seen a video of a robin's nest following this progression in a hanging planter. It was entertaining.

Dana said...

What a nice surprise! I hope all goes well.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ. As a kitten she was always committing faux pas(s).

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Pat, I just hope they can cohabitate with the cats.
Yup, Faux's pretty good about finding good sleeping spots:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Jennifer, I bet the doves were fun to watch.
Thanks for the kind words about the roses:)

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

I hope the cat didn't eat her... Let us know if the bird returns to her nest. Now that my cat is old he merely watches the birds and remembers his youthful escapades.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi, Rhobin, how are you? Yeah, I hope all works out with the little chirpers. I really enjoy Carolina Wrens. They're just the cutest things, hoppen around with those little tails straight in the air:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Dana. Me too!

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Ms. Julia,
I haven't seen her, but she remodeled her test and laid another egg.....So far all is well.

Travel Gourmande said...

What a cute find :) You have such a beautiful garden.