Thursday, July 30, 2015

Who'd A Thought?

Three or Four?

'Orville Wright numbered the eggs that his chickens produced so that he could eat them in the order they were laid.

The oldest person on record is Methuselah.'  He was 969 years old.

'Leonardo da Vinci could write with the one hand and draw with the other simultaneously.

Thomas Jefferson wrote his own epitaph without mentioning he was US president.

An exocannibal eats only enemies. An indocannibal eats only friends.' You think this is where 'with friends like that who needs enemies'  comes from?

And last but not least...

'In 1973, confectionery salesman Roland Ohisson was buried in a casket made entirely of chocolate.'


DEZMOND said...

Wait, what? Exocannibals and indocannibals???

anne marie in philly said...

there are 4 pieces of wood; look and the ends for a clue.

a chocolate casket? I'd be munching on that for an eternity! :)

CJ Kennedy said...

I love fun facts.

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like innie and outie belly buttons doesn't it. Oops watch out. Belly buttons may be a delicacy....

Sandra Cox said...

Good morning, Anne Marie. I can see the 4th on one end, but it makes my eyes cross to try and follow the lines to the other end.

Pat Hatt said...

Definitely four. Damn, Da Vinci sure could get a lot done

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, CJ. I've always heard old as Methuselah but I didn't realize he was supposedly over 900 years old.

Birgit said...

Da Vinci was a genius so i can see that. Orville, I think, had OCD and the chocolate coffin guy is just weird. If I were the widow I would change the casket and eat the chocolate...yes strange but hey..It's chocolate!

Sandra Cox said...

Da Vinci was a wonder. Can you imagine being able to write and draw at the same time. I can't even draw if its the only thing I'm doing.

Sandra Cox said...

All I could think of was the worms must have enjoyed it.

Adam said...

In the bronze age people were lucky to make it to 35, and in a age of advanced healthcare and medicine the longest person who ever lived (with real records to prove it) made it to 122.

Lets just say I'm a little skeptical about the 969 thing.

The Happy Whisk said...

Entirely of chocolate, you say. The ants must have thought they hit the mother load.

Sandra Cox said...

Does sound a bit extreme doesn't it?

Unknown said...

Oh no...i got crossed eye staring at that photo. LOL!

Sandra Cox said...

Yes indeed:)

Sandra Cox said...

I can't look at it either.

Christine said...

Orville Wright was strange!

Unknown said...

OMG! itz trolling :( I'm not able to find the right answer,
Interesting blog. Keep Sharing.

Ava Quinn said...

Great stuff! I always loved that first optical illusion. :)

Sandra Cox said...

Numbering the eggs is a new one. grin.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Ernest.

Sandra Cox said...

I like it too, but it makes my eyes cross;)

Red Shoes said...

Ha!! The comment about DaVinci reminds me of the day when I came home from work... and my then-wife told me that I needed to get our son, who had just learned to write cursive.... to write his name for me.

So I went back to his room... he was playing... and told him that I heard he had learned to write his name and that I would love to see it!

So he gets a piece of paper... and a crayon... and writes his first name left-handed... switches hands... and writes his last name right-handed.

Somewhat stunned, I asked to see it again... and he did it exactly the same way.

I was telling my Dad about it the next day.... and Dad got this most stunned look on his face... he said, 'that's exactly how my Dad wrote HIS name...'

My son is no DaVinci (nor am I...)


Sandra Cox said...

That is so cool. Little DaVinci Junior:) Can he still write with either hand?