Thursday, July 9, 2015

Zoo Pics

More pics from Como Zoo. This time of the critters.

I'm guessing, he was just visiting:)

And The Wildest Creature of All.....


The Happy Whisk said...

Looks like a fun day.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Is that Bert and Ernie's Rubber Ducky?
Some fun shots. That first fish is weird looking.

DEZMOND said...

poor Mr. Gorilla does not look happy. We have one of the most beautiful European ZOOs in my city but I never go because I can't stand watching caged animals.
Just this morning while I was walking around my front yard a truck stopped for a second waiting for some other car to pass and they had a pig in the back ... I stood to look at the pig smiling to it and then I realized it was a butcher's truck..... I have difficulties recovering from such sights....

CJ Kennedy said...

I've never seen a rubber ducky in its natural environment! Thanks for sharing

Pat Hatt said...

The gorilla sure looks a bit miffed. Great shots

Stephanie Faris said...

Cool! That is one big turtle...a tortoise, I guess!

Murees Dupè said...

Great photos. Very colorful. It must have been a great experience.

Sandra Cox said...

It was. Thank you, Ivy. How are you feeling?

Sandra Cox said...

Maybe. Now we know where they keep him.

Sandra Cox said...

I am so sorry about the pig. That's ghastly.
I can relate. I normally don't do the zoo thing either for the same reason. This one wasn't too bad though. They had decent habitats. The one animal I don't mind seeing in captivity is seals. I feel they're much safer.

Birgit said...

The rubber ducky looks evil:) Is this in the Gorilla's pen?? That first fish looks like it has a man's face, almost like Donald Trump....poor fish

Adam said...

great pictures of the animals

Sandra Cox said...

He looked like he belonged:)

Sandra Cox said...

He probably would have been just as happy if everyone would have went home and left him in peace.

Elizabeth said...

I love going to the zoo, sea lions and big cats are my favorites. Thanks for visiting my blog and for following, and I am happy to follow a fellow cat-lover :)

Sandra Cox said...

It sure is, Steph. I wonder how old it is. How was your vacation?

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Murees. It was a lot of fun.

Sandra Cox said...

Too funny about the fish comment.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Adam. How are you?

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Elizabeth, Cat people definitely need to stick together. :)
I have such mixed emotions about zoos. I really enjoy it if the animals are in a great environment and seem happy.
Thanks for the follow and comments. Heading over your way now.

The Happy Whisk said...

I feel feisty. I had a killer weekend and now a really fun week (I start my new weeks on Sunday).

Thanks for asking.

How goes you?