Friday, August 7, 2015

Happy Weekend

Enjoy It, Blogster Buds


DEZMOND said...

wishing you lots of love and lattes this weekend

Elephant's Child said...

And to you. That looks like a perfect spot to savour a few hours...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Enjoy yours! Looks like a ton of rain for the weekend.

CJ Kennedy said...

I agreee. Your pic is the perfect image for a Summer weekend. Have a good one.

Pat Hatt said...

Hope you have a great one

Shady Del Knight said...

That looks like a scene from my nearby Florida beach, Sandra. Have a safe and happy weekend, my new friend!

Adam said...

Enjoy it

Birgit said...

Have a terrific weekend!!

Stephanie Faris said...

Ahh...wish I was there right now!

Sandra Cox said...

I like that! Thanks, Dez, and back at you.

Sandra Cox said...

It does, doesn't it. Wouldn't mind spending my weekend in that chair.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you're enjoying yours, Alex.
We've had some rain, but nothing extreme.

nashvillecats2 said...

We have actually had two days following of sunshine.
Enjoy the rest of the week-end.

Sandra Cox said...

It would have been a great way to have spent the weekend;)
Hope you're having a good one, CJ.

Sandra Cox said...

You too, Pat.

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like you are in a perfect location, new friend.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you've had a good one, Adam. Did you have to work?

Sandra Cox said...

You too, Birgit dear.

Sandra Cox said...

Wouldn't that be lovely?

Sandra Cox said...

Tomorrow is the big day.....

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Yvonne. You too!

The Happy Whisk said...

We did. How 'bout you?