Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Bizarre And the Tragic

We have had both tragic and bizarre in our area recently. And they are extreme events.
A father got drunk and shot and killed his little boys. Horrific does not begin to cover that sort of tragedy. I'm not sure if anything is more ghastly than when the protector turns into the predator.
On a more bizarre note one of the county seniors got busted for drug trafficking. And when I say seniors, I mean a serious senior, the man is eighty-seven. I don't know whether to be appalled or laud the fact that he's still a feisty entrepreneur. Don't get me wrong, drug trafficking is wrong, wrong, wrong, but eighty-seven? I'm still reeling from that one.


Elephant's Child said...

The first is a tragedy.
The second? Was it his first excursion into this business field or did he get careless?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The first thing just makes you sick. The second just blows your mind.

DEZMOND said...

it's always sad hearing about old people who are immature or irresponsible

CJ Kennedy said...

So much bizarre and tragic in the news. Story eating up news waves in Massachusetts: death of 2 yr old in foster care. Another toddler in critical condition. The bizarre: 3 social workers on this case were not licensed or certified. The police had been called 64 times over 10 years to the Foster Mother's home

Pat Hatt said...

The first is just awful in every way. 2nd, he used his age to his advantage, who'd suspect an 87 year old man?

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Sandra! The tragedy is always compounded when children are lost. Horrible events such as this one occur far too often in communities across the country.

Some senior citizens are so desperate for a source of income that they resort to illegal activities. So sorry about the bad and bizarre news, dear friend.

Stephanie Faris said...

I don't understand how any parent could ever do that. Why do animals like that become parents? I just don't get it. I wish people would have to pass some sort of test before they could procreate, but I know most people are against that because it's a violation of our rights...it's just so tragic!!!

H.R. Bennett said...

The first is horrific but the second is hilarious. Gotta give the guy kudos for being business savvy, I guess?

DMS said...

So sorry to hear about the first tragedy. So, so sad.

The 87 year old- wow. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone that age being arrested for drug trafficking.

Sandra Cox said...

I don't know, E.C., there weren't a lot of details in the paper. Sounds like the police were scratching their heads on this one. But he was dealing some heavy duty stuff.

Adam said...

At 87 a life sentence could be just a misdemeanor

Sandra Cox said...

You can always expect the unexpected in NC, huh?

Sandra Cox said...

True. And this is a pretty extreme case.

Sandra Cox said...

That is inexcusable.

Sandra Cox said...

There's just not enough negative words to describe it.

Sandra Cox said...

When its the defenseless, it's just ghastly.
And as far as the senior citizen, after I got my wits back, I did wonder if he made enough soc security.

Sandra Cox said...

I understand. And at the risk of bringing much wrath
down on my head this is exactly why I'm a gun control advocate. They were shot multiple times.

Sandra Cox said...

Excellent point:)

Sandra Cox said...

And you're right about the first one two. Awful.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and yes. I feel bad about laughing about the second, but it does make me chuckle.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Jess, How are you?
I certainly hadn't. LOL

Sandra Cox said...

Grin. I hadn't thought of that:)

Birgit said...

I hope the pathetic a-hole for a human being who took his sons' lives, shot himself or will get the death penalty. I wonder where their mom was at the time. I feel for the family. The 2nd one is just crazy. I wonder if mr. 87 yr old has been in crime all his life or decided to increase his pension money a bit.