Wednesday, October 7, 2015

IWSG Wednesday

It's that time again. When we as writers express our doubts and concerns, share our experiences and encourage others.
First a reminder of the short story contest IWSG is offering. A 5 to 6 K short story with the theme of a parallel universe/alternate history. Send your story to by November 1. Visit the IWSG website for the rules.  So who's planning to enter?
One of the banes of writers is poor reviews. When discussing this with a fellow writer bud, she mentioned that another writer had said that if Stephen King, Nora Roberts and J.K. Rowling could get 1 star reviews why shouldn't we. I was much struck that anyone would give the royals of the writing world 1 star reviews. It did put things in perspective. And since I'm currently into memes I created the following:

Feel free to grab it.
 I'm also into buttons. I've doing the I heart buttons with my book covers in the background. If you'd like an I heart Ghosts or Diamonds or Vampires button, shoot me an email @
Ghost For Sale made its debut in time for Halloween.
 That's about it at my place for now, what's going on in your world? Hope your muse is singing stridently in your ear.


Suzanne Furness said...

A good point to make, Sandra. No one can please everyone! I love your meme.

Valerie-Jael said...

This is so true, and I think we all have to learn to live with other people's opinions, and not let them get at us, or discourage us. That's the way to go! Hugs, Valerie

Valerie-Jael said...

I just downloaded your book onto my Kindle, looking forward to reading it! Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Not only one star reviews, quite a lot of the current big names were rejected out of hand for a long time.
This reader applauds ALL writers.
Thank you one and all.

DEZMOND said...

Hope Ghost for Sale won't have ghastly sales :)
I'd give tons of popular writers one or zero stars if possible :)

TBM said...

I feared getting my first 1 star review, but then when it happened the world didn't come crashing down. And you make a great point. We can't please everyone and if we tried, can you imagine how horrible the story would be? Yikes!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope you're planning on entering the contest!
One star reviews happen to all of us. Usually they are really lame or it's obvious someone is just trying to be a jerk. (Why would anyone purposely set out to give a one star review to anyone? That's just rude.)
I'd like to add that if those authors can make millions, why shouldn't I? Hey, dream big, right?

Pat Hatt said...

Yeah, they get them all the time, so why shouldn't we? Always looked at it that way. But I want their pay lol sent my short story in last night.

Stephanie Faris said...

Honestly, I'm looking forward to a day when I get a lot of varying reviews. Right now, my reviews are either 1-star or 5-star...and many of the 5-star reviews are from friends! When the vast majority of your reviews are from complete strangers, you know you've made it!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Agreed--there are so many unique perspectives, there's no way to please everyone. I need Nora Roberts' ratio, though--100 five stars for every one star!

Sandra Cox said...

I am and I can certainly get behind your meme idea. grin.

Sandra Cox said...

That made my day, Valerie. Thank you.
Hugs back

Sandra Cox said...

I'm glad, Suzanne. When my bud, who will be on the blog tomorrow by the way, mentioned it, I even went and checked it out. It defies belief that anyone could give those writers ones. And why would they?

Sandra Cox said...

Hugs back:)

Sandra Cox said...

And all of us seriously appreciate it, EC.
Have a great one.

Sandra Cox said...

I don't think I'd ever give a writer a one. It would be too much like saying they have ugly children:)

Sandra Cox said...

The story line would probably be all over the boards wouldn't it?
I still don't like them, but I no longer feel the world is crashing down:)

Sandra Cox said...

I wonder that myself, Alex.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh that would be even better. grin.
I'm still cleaning mine.

Sandra Cox said...

Who in their right mind would give your work a one? Maybe because they're not....

Sandra Cox said...

Wouldn't that be sweet?

Crystal Collier said...

Yeah. There are definitely haters out there, people who only ever pen out downer reviews. In fact there are whole circles of them you just hope you stay off their radar, or you get enough happy reviews to counteract their meanness. Such is life.

Nas said...

That would be awesome!

Sandra Cox said...

Yes I could live with that too, Jacqui:)

Sandra Cox said...

You're right, Crystal. I tend to avoid areas, as much as possible, where those groups hang. Sometimes its unavoidable. But I keep my appearances limited.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for stopping Olivia Rose.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Good attitude, Sandra. Reviews can hurt, and Nora and Stephen are blood and bone people just like the rest of us. No better, no worse. Awesome post!

Sharon Himsl said...

We tend to put successful writers up on pedestals, don't we? But even those two had to start at the bottom. We forget the journey getting there. Good point!

nashvillecats2 said...

A great post Sandra, you certainly made a good point, well written.

Birgit said...

I've been crazy busy so catching up on blogging. Some of the best writers had such tough times to get published. Never be dismayed by bad reviews. Some books that got bad reviews are now considered classics. be proud that you have written books and have had them published!