Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, definition, or sentence for:

 My sentence: Certain politicians excel at bafflegab.


Did you know, the term 'bury the hatchet' originated from when negotiations were being held between the Puritans and the American Indians  who would bury their weapons so they wouldn't be available for use while parleying. AND tribal chiefs would bury their hatchets to show their peace agreements.

For more information: Learn The History Behind These 66 Commonly Used Old Sayings | Bored Panda

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


We voted Thursday. Woot. Woot. The line wasn't bad. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. For those in the states, let us know when you cast your vote.


This is such a hoot.  When you are working, it's easier to track days. Especially if you work Monday-Friday.  What's normally running through your mind is: How many more days till Friday. Right? Once you retire, as the HH says, "Every day is a Saturday.":) Or as the cat folks say, caturday. So he bought, what I'm going to call a retiree's clock.   It's great:) It tells you what day it is, what date it is and even if it's: morning, afternoon or night. 😁


Remember this guy, we picked up at one of the grocery stores a couple of weeks ago?


Last week they were giving them away. 

Which is definitely better than pitching them, but I can't help thinking a little bit of water would have gone a long way towards keeping them saleable.

I gave them a good soaking then put them in the ground. We'll see if they are still around next spring.


The last Irises of the year.


A hydrangea's fall color.


From Colorado

Thanks, Julie.

From Illinois 

Thanks, Jan.


Have a grand one, Blogger Buds.


Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekend Wishes


AND the 18th is:


AND If you're interested in the history of the Old West, I'm blogging at Cowboy Kisses about:


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, example, definition or sentence for:

My example and definition: In times gone by, when maids threw slop out the window, they would first yell the warning, "Gardyloo!"


Did you know, that back in the day when parcel post became available to Americans, a handful sent their children through the mail?

For more information: When People Used the Postal Service to 'Mail' Their Children | HISTORY 


Friday, October 11, 2024



Bubba and Squirt’s Legend of the Lost Pearls
By Sherry Ellis

Journey to the past!

Bubba and Squirt embark on their most dangerous quest yet. Whisked away through the vortex to Japan, they must find two fabled pearls that hold the key to saving their father.
To top it off, they must go back and change the events of the past. As they race against time, the fate of their father, and their own lives, hang in the balance.
Will they outwit the cunning creatures that stand in their way or face their own demise trying to save their father?

 Release date – October 1, 2024
Print ISBN 9798988625124 $8.95/ eBook ISBN 9798988625131 $3.99
eBook $3.99 in all formats
Juvenile Fiction - Action Adventure / Fantasy & Magic / Legends, Myths, Fables – Asian

Sherry Ellis’ Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China won the Reader’s Favorites Silver Medal for the Children's Grades 4-6 category.


Sherry Ellis is an award-winning author and professional musician who plays and teaches the violin, viola, and piano. When she is not writing or engaged in musical activities, she can be found doing household chores, hiking, or exploring the world. Ellis lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

Amazon -
iTunes -
Barnes & Noble -

Kobo -
Goodreads -

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What's your synonym, sentence or example for:

My example: She'd rather take a twenty-mile hike wearing a ten pound backpack, clean the toilet and do without her morning coffee than  accept a public speaking engagement. 

Glossophobia: An overview (




 Did you know, a group of owls is called a parliament? 

For more information:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Ketch-up Day


There has been a huge outpouring of help and aid to our Western Carolinians from  places near and far. Some damaged areas are so remote that mules are being used to deliver supplies. One hundred million dollars  has been released by the government to fund relief efforts. The National Guard and FEMA are on the ground. Shelters have been opened. And search and rescue is ongoing. There are still a huge number of road closings, including the full length of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Manna Food Banks among many other charitable organizations are also on the ground. Power company crews are working around the clock. Many, many folks have reached out helping hands and if you are one of them thank you.


On a lighter note. 

To the HHs (Happy Hubbies) out there. Does this sound like you?

I needed a cake for a friend's birthday and the HH volunteered to pick one up at the grocery store. He got to the store, called and said, "There's a chocolate ganache and one with fruit on it. Which one would you like?" 

I said, "How about the one with fruit."

He replied, "Alright."

He came home, handed me the cake and said, "That's the one you wanted, right?"

I opened it and yup, you guessed it. He'd gotten the chocolate ganache. 😄 (In his defense, he does have a hearing problem:)




From Florida-the weather predictor.

Thanks, Sonya.

 Enjoy the rest of the week. Hope Mother Nature is behaving in your neck of the woods.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IWSG Wednesday AND Did You Know



The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.


Twitter handle: @TheIWSG  

Hashtag: #IWSG 


The awesome co-hosts for the  October 2 posting of the IWSG are Nancy Gideon, Jennifer Lane, Jacqui Murray, and Natalie Aguirre!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional

October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

You gotta love a good ghost story. I’m going to list two. 

Emily’s Ghost by Antoinette Stockenberg


Sounds in the Silence by D. L. Finn

Emily’s Ghost
was written in 2011 but for me remains a favorite. The characters are well-developed with an occasional flash of humor. The story line sucks you in, ratcheting up the tension layer by layer and ends with a satisfying HEA. Available at Amazon



 Sounds in the Silence is a fascinating story with a duel time line and a
murdered ghost that comes back to haunt forty years later.  If you’re an animal lover, another plus is the entrance of a rescue animal or animals at some point in most D.L. stories. Available at Amazon

What’s your favorite ghost story?


September/October Reviews in no particular order

* Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor them into my review.



 A gritty Western about an old-fashioned hero and his horse.

You can tell by the author’s descriptions and prose that he is steeped in Western lore and the West itself.  Daniels hails from Colorado and is a former bull rider.

While reading, I ran into a couple of sentences I particularly enjoyed: “I don’t think they were marked with any bloody evidence, but I know I wounded a lot of trees.”

“The Cow tenders we left in charge did a good job watching over the ranch.”

Besides entertaining sentences, his characters are well developed and his descriptions detailed.

FATE is available at most major book sites and can also be found in some literary magazines. The book is also available in paperback.

Available at Amazon


FAIRIES, MYTHS AND MAGIC II by Colleen Cheseboro

The first collection of this series celebrates summer. This collection celebrates winter. The author talks about winter myths and the history behind them.

This book is every bit as good as the first and again showcases the author’s talents. One verse I particularly liked:

‘Call down the huntsmen,

Upon black horses they ride

With hounds as black as pitch

And staring hideous eyes

Their screams and howls

Resound against the algid night.’



Short days now end

Sunlight swears victory’

Along with delicate verse, you’ll encounter Ameratasu, the sun goddess;  Gryla-The Christmas Troll; Befana the witch; and Julbock the Yule Goat. (I must admit, I didn’t know goats pulled Thor’s chariot.)  

If you enjoy prose with a touch of magic, pour a cup of hot apple cider and curl up in front of the fire with this fascinating read.

Available at Amazon



Book 3

Once again, the devil has headed to London for Christmas only this time he encounters a mystery. A mystery that if it remains unsolved could affect the world.

This story is full of twists and turns that leave even the devil befuddled. As always, the author gives us delightful insight and history into Old London. Another fun read.

Available at Amazon




Did you know, Lewis Carroll invented the word chortle along with several other 'portmanteau' words?


The Frabjous Words Invented By Lewis Carroll -