Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you? What's going on in your corner of the world?

The HH can now drive short distances and lift ten pounds. Woot. Woot. We went to Walmart yesterday. I was so excited.

I can't even believe I said that. Yes, I have no life:) 


I learned the hard way to bring in my rain gauge before the temps hit freezing. So, I'm going to use the wheel barrow to show you how much rain we've had lately. Now all I need is some fish to stock it. Hehe.


Once again my poor daffies (and the weeds) are confused and have popped their heads up. Sigh.

 What's the weather like there?

That's all, buds.👋


Andrew said...

The weather here is mild when it should be hot. I don't mind at all.
That could be a new rain measuring method for lots of rain, how many Sandra barrows of rain did we have.

Elephant's Child said...

You think your garden is confused. We have a few spring bulbs up already. And PLENTY of weeds.
Excellent news on the HH front.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - good news re HH ... I agree a trip to the supermarket can be a day out occasionally. We're dry now ... but have had a lot of wind ... also bulbs popping up and leaves started to bud ... take care - cheers Hilary

Christine said...

That is a lot of rain. Good news on the HH. Toronto has only had 30 hours of clear days this winter. Dreary weather if mild.

CJ Kennedy said...

Wow, that is a lot of rain! I think your wheelbarrow would make a great koi pond. We had snow on Monday. It's grey on Tuesday and looks like drizzle, too. Is it July, yet?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad he's driving now! Yes, the stupid adult things that excite us.
Lots of rain. We haven't had that much lately.

Jeanie said...

That's a lot of rain! And excellent news on HH. Little things? Nope, those are big ones!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I've been in for much of January because it's been so bitter cold and sometimes snowy. Walmart or the grocery store are fun events for me right now too.

Valerie-Jael said...

Here is Kaiserswerth it's cold, wet and dark! You got a lot of rain! Hugs, Valerie

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Congratulations on your Walmart visit!!! When my kids were babies and I would get a minute to run to Walmart by myself, I felt like I was on trip, so I understand your excitement!

D.L. Finn said...

That is a lot of rain! I have lost many rain gauges over the years bi never remember to bring them in during freezes. Yay for driving and shoping. Its the little things I think. Hugs xo

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's wonderful news! Funny how the grocery store can be so exciting.

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, Sandra barrows of rain. Love it.
EC, Our plants--and weeds--are so confused. Sigh.
Thanks, Hils, Hope your bulbs and leaves stay safe and healthy.
Christine, Only 30 hrs of clear weather? Yikes.
CJ, Snow? Ack. Ack. I'll settle for April:)
Alex, I'm glad he's driving too. It's not one of my favorite things. And yes, we do get excited about the oddest things, don't we?:)

Birgit said...

Snow...rain...freezing rain rain, rain, rain. Doing a number on my joints...lol

Truedessa said...

Hi Sandra thats a lot of rain. I have snow here and it’s cold. The sun hasn’t been out for days. Everything is grey and dreary. Occasionally, I will see a cardinal which gives the landscape a splash of color.

Sandra Cox said...

Natalie, I wouldn't want to go out in the cold either. Enjoy Walmart:)
Val, Wishing you sunshine and light. Hugs,
Elizabeth, Yup, you get it;)
Denise, I hear ya. I've lost several too. I'm beginning to think they should all be plastic and I'm not a plastic fan because of the environment:) Yup, it's the little things.xo
Di, Thanks. Yes, easily amused:) See you Friday.
Birgit, Ouch. Wishing you sunshine.
True, I'm glad the cardinal gave you a splash of beauty and color in your gray surroundings.