Wednesday, July 3, 2024

IWSG Wednesday AND Did You Know


The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.


Twitter handle: @TheIWSG  

Hashtag: #IWSG 

The awesome co-hosts for the  July 3 posting of the IWSG are JS Pailly, Rebecca Douglass, Pat Garcia, Louise-Fundy Blue, and Natalie Aguirre!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional

 July 3 question - What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favorite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

I don’t do anything fancy just write in Word. I’ll be interested to see how others answer this and what they feel helps them.


June/July Reviews in no particular order

* Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor them into my review.


STREET OF FIVE MOONS by Elizabeth Peters

This Vicky Bliss series was written back in the late 80s.  I enjoyed it then and I’m enjoying it now.  Urged on by her boss Herr Professor Doktor Schmidt director of the National Museum, Vicky always finds herself smack dab in the middle of a dangerous mystery around priceless relics. The story definitely picks up when dashing thief Sir John Smythe enters the picture.  A must read for folks that enjoy an old-fashioned romantic suspense.

SILHOUTTE IN SCARLET by Elizabeth Peters

The story picks up where THE STREET OF FIVE MOONS leaves off with Sir John plopping Vicky in another dangerous situation, involving a criminal with a deadly hobby, then uses his wiles and courage to get her out of it.

Available at Amazon



A fascinating mystery that connects the past and the present.

Present Day: Maria and Logan have bought a mansion in disrepair that they plan on turning into a Bed and Breakfast, having no idea when they sign on the dotted line that the mansion comes with a ghost.

1924: Helen is married to the love of her life Charles. They party their way through prohibition until Helen disappears and her husband is blamed for the disappearance.

Now Maria must solve the mystery of what happened to Helen.

The transition between the two different periods of time is handled smoothly and keeps the reader wondering what is happening in the other timeline.  The entire book has a deliciously eerie feel to it, due in part to the author’s fabulous descriptions. For instance: ‘The chill fall night was silent under a sky so dark that the stars seemed subdued.’

This is one of Ms. Finn’s best. Enjoy it.

Available at Amazon




I'm slogging my way through the biographies of the Presidents of the United States.  Mega apologies to the author, but the last one I read I found long and boring, so I tried the children's version of Harrison's life. I.E. William Henry Harrison: Ninth President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents) and loved it. I learned all kinds of things about this president I didn't know. It hit the salient points in his life, and presented them in an interesting manner, without belaboring points that had no bearing.

I recommend this book for kids and adults alike.

Available at Amazon


A VENTURE TO VICTORY: 40 Lessons to Live a Victorious Life  by Shahid Pervaiz

This is a self-help designed to guide us on our journey of improvement whether it be in our professional or private lives.

Several phrases caught my eye and gives a feel to what the book is about:

“It’s not important to win the argument, learn to win the people.”

“Stay away from negative people.”

“Your future is a reflection of your performance today.”

“Forgive yourself for the blunders you make.”

“Share what you have. You always have something to give.”

“If you pray for the rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.”

I particularly enjoyed the last quote😊 It’s an easy read that will put you in a positive frame of mind. Enjoy.

Available at Amazon







Did you know that the poet Percy Shelley was a vegan?

For more information:

24 Crazy Author Facts You Need to Know — On Book Street







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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


Can you believe it's July? June was hot and dry here. The plants and I are a little concerned to see what this month brings. What's your weather like?

The Eternal Garden Pics

We finally got the fish spout put out.

A hydrangea for Andrew:)

This is pretty blurry.  It's a squirrel gnawing on a hard roll I threw out:)


The HH got me 4th of July flowers.


From Colorado

Thanks, Julie

From Colorado

Thanks, Julie

From California

Thanks, Denise

That's all, blogger buds.