Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, sentence or definition for:


 Example: She looks so twee in her little costume.  


Did you know, Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts? And yes that's Barbie the doll.

For more information: Did You Know That Barbie Has a Full Name? (



A belated to anyone I've missed.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ketch-up Day


 How are you? We are still getting rain and this is what is growing in the Eternal Garden.




The hydrangeas have hung in there.


And from Colorado.

Thanks, Julie.

 What's going on in your neck of the woods?

Friday, July 26, 2024

Your Weekend Read: CATCH A TIGER BY THE TOE By Joe Congel


Title: Catch a Tiger by the Toe




Amazon Buy link:




Two kids dead. A killer daring the Magnolia Bluff police to catch him. Who will win this deadly contest between good and evil?

A child is snatched from her stroller and murdered. Seventy-two hours later, a little boy suffers the same fate. The only clues are a couple of photos, an old counting nursery rhyme, a flash drive, and a stuffed toy animal left near each of the bodies. Is it the work of a killer preying on children—or something even worse? Retired NYPD detective Brandon Turner is in a race against time as he hunts for the killer—before another child dies.

Once again asked to work alongside the local police, Turner finds himself clashing with the lead investigator as they set their sights on stopping a madman killer who is forcing them into a sick game of “catch me if you can.”

Police Chief Tommy Jager and Sergeant Investigator Reece Sovern are counting on Turner’s skills as a former big city cop to help them rein in the terror in the hearts of every parent in a little town nestled along the Texas Hill Country called Magnolia Bluff.





Joe Congel grew up in Syracuse, NY, and currently lives in beautiful Charlotte, NC. He got his first break in the world of publishing when he illustrated the humorous book, Housetraining Your VCR, A Help Manual for Humans, published by Grapevine Publications back in the early ’90s.

A few years after Housetraining set the world on fire, Joe decided that he was better suited as a writer rather than as an artist, so he began crafting stories that allowed the reader to use their own imagination to add the visuals to the narrative.

Since he’s enjoyed reading murder mysteries and PI detective stories all his life, he felt he had a pretty good grasp on how to create an engaging character in the world of private detecting. DEAD IS FOREVER is the first book in the Razzman Mystery Crime Files series, featuring Tony Razzolito, PI. The book is set in Syracuse, NY, and Charlotte, NC, with upcoming books in the series concentrated more in and around the Charlotte area. Joe is uniquely qualified to write about both areas of the country since he lived in Syracuse for 36 years and Charlotte for the last 25 plus years.

When he’s not writing, you will most likely find him spoiling his three grandchildren.


Three Foodie Facts about Brandon Turner (Main Character):

Even though he’s living in Magnolia Bluff, Texas, Brandon’s favorite foods reflect his New York roots –

  1. Nothing like the taste of biting into a good New York hotdog. Brandon’s favorite place to indulge when he’s in the city is Gray’s Papaya. The crisp snap of the skin when you take that first bite is the hallmark of a flavorful all-beef Sabretts quality dog eating experience.
  2. A pepperoni slice from Joe’s Pizza in Greenwich Village. He loves to grab a couple of slices, a drink and sit in the park and watch the people go by while enjoying one of the best thin crust pizza by the slice spots in the city. Always a long line at the door – always worth the wait.
  3.   Chicken Riggies. When Brandon was a detective with the NYPD, he spent the holidays at his girlfriend’s (at the time) parent’s home in Utica, NY. They introduced him to this wonderful blend of chicken breast (cut into small bites), mushrooms, green peppers, and onion, mixed with a creamy tomato sauce and poured over rigatoni pasta. Since moving to Texas, he’s been cooking up his own version and enjoying this distinctively northeastern dish in the southwest.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What is your synonym, sentence or example for:


 Sentence example: Those pink roses are beautiful, howbeit their thorns are very sharp.


 Did you know, that Abraham Lincoln, a great animal lover, let his cat Tabby eat at the dining room table? And to his wife's chagrin, once at a formal dinner.


 For more information: Funny Facts About President Abraham Lincoln — History Facts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ketch-Up Day

 How's everything in your neck of the woods? We've had rain for about three days now.  Woot. Woot. Since we are officially in a drought here, it's been most welcome.  The only good thing about the lack of water is we haven't had to mow in over a month.  The weeds aren't even growing. Though, I imagine that's all about to change with the extended days of rain. At least temporarily.  What's it like there?




The Eternal Garden  and the Critters Pics



Flowers for you.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Weekend Wishes





I'm over at Cowboy Kisses talking about sarsaparilla.  If you're in the vicinity, please feel free to stride through the swinging doors, belly up to the bar and join us:)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What is your word, synonym, sentence or example for:

Sentence/meaning:  A contronym is a word that has two contradictory meanings.  


Did you know, that President Lincoln kept documents in his top hat when he wore it? Supposedly the phrase 'keep it under your hat' came from Lincoln's habit of keeping documents in his top hat.

For more information:




Friday, July 12, 2024

Weekend Wishes




I'm over at Sally's today. If you haven't been to her blog  magazine, you're in for a treat. She covers a multitude of topics. Besides spotlighting other authors, there's info on animals and health.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, example, sentence or definition for:

Sentence: The idea that cats only purr when they are happy is hokum.


Did you know, that Founding Fathers James Monroe, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson all died on July 4th?  Adams and Jefferson in the same year only hours apart. 


For more information: Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence? | Constitution Center

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you? How's your weather. We had rain last night. Woot.  Woot. It's been so dry here that instead of rustling the grass crunches when you walk on it. 

If you celebrate, did you do anything 4th of July? The HH popped up some popcorn and we went to the fireworks.


Remember the nests in the butterfly bush? Looks like we've got renters:) If you look closely you can see three little heads.


It's butterfly season here.  This is what we usually get: 


Yellow and black swallowtails.

Last week I saw a Zebra zooming around.  


My poor hibiscus is one of the few things still blooming in this heat.




From Illinois

Thanks, Allison 

Every made these? They consist of Twinkies, Twix and red gel.

That's all, blogger buds.



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

IWSG Wednesday AND Did You Know


The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.


Twitter handle: @TheIWSG  

Hashtag: #IWSG 

The awesome co-hosts for the  July 3 posting of the IWSG are JS Pailly, Rebecca Douglass, Pat Garcia, Louise-Fundy Blue, and Natalie Aguirre!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional

 July 3 question - What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favorite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

I don’t do anything fancy just write in Word. I’ll be interested to see how others answer this and what they feel helps them.


June/July Reviews in no particular order

* Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor them into my review.


STREET OF FIVE MOONS by Elizabeth Peters

This Vicky Bliss series was written back in the late 80s.  I enjoyed it then and I’m enjoying it now.  Urged on by her boss Herr Professor Doktor Schmidt director of the National Museum, Vicky always finds herself smack dab in the middle of a dangerous mystery around priceless relics. The story definitely picks up when dashing thief Sir John Smythe enters the picture.  A must read for folks that enjoy an old-fashioned romantic suspense.

SILHOUTTE IN SCARLET by Elizabeth Peters

The story picks up where THE STREET OF FIVE MOONS leaves off with Sir John plopping Vicky in another dangerous situation, involving a criminal with a deadly hobby, then uses his wiles and courage to get her out of it.

Available at Amazon



A fascinating mystery that connects the past and the present.

Present Day: Maria and Logan have bought a mansion in disrepair that they plan on turning into a Bed and Breakfast, having no idea when they sign on the dotted line that the mansion comes with a ghost.

1924: Helen is married to the love of her life Charles. They party their way through prohibition until Helen disappears and her husband is blamed for the disappearance.

Now Maria must solve the mystery of what happened to Helen.

The transition between the two different periods of time is handled smoothly and keeps the reader wondering what is happening in the other timeline.  The entire book has a deliciously eerie feel to it, due in part to the author’s fabulous descriptions. For instance: ‘The chill fall night was silent under a sky so dark that the stars seemed subdued.’

This is one of Ms. Finn’s best. Enjoy it.

Available at Amazon




I'm slogging my way through the biographies of the Presidents of the United States.  Mega apologies to the author, but the last one I read I found long and boring, so I tried the children's version of Harrison's life. I.E. William Henry Harrison: Ninth President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents) and loved it. I learned all kinds of things about this president I didn't know. It hit the salient points in his life, and presented them in an interesting manner, without belaboring points that had no bearing.

I recommend this book for kids and adults alike.

Available at Amazon


A VENTURE TO VICTORY: 40 Lessons to Live a Victorious Life  by Shahid Pervaiz

This is a self-help designed to guide us on our journey of improvement whether it be in our professional or private lives.

Several phrases caught my eye and gives a feel to what the book is about:

“It’s not important to win the argument, learn to win the people.”

“Stay away from negative people.”

“Your future is a reflection of your performance today.”

“Forgive yourself for the blunders you make.”

“Share what you have. You always have something to give.”

“If you pray for the rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.”

I particularly enjoyed the last quote😊 It’s an easy read that will put you in a positive frame of mind. Enjoy.

Available at Amazon







Did you know that the poet Percy Shelley was a vegan?

For more information:

24 Crazy Author Facts You Need to Know — On Book Street







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