Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


Can you believe it's July? June was hot and dry here. The plants and I are a little concerned to see what this month brings. What's your weather like?

The Eternal Garden Pics

We finally got the fish spout put out.

A hydrangea for Andrew:)

This is pretty blurry.  It's a squirrel gnawing on a hard roll I threw out:)


The HH got me 4th of July flowers.


From Colorado

Thanks, Julie

From Colorado

Thanks, Julie

From California

Thanks, Denise

That's all, blogger buds.


Elephant's Child said...

Where has the year gone?
Thanks for the beauty you share.

Andrew said...

The fish spout is quite cute. The hydrangeas are getting darker and darker. They must be at their peak now.

Donna said...

Love all the photos! Especially the bear...
It's needing to rain here! So dry.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We had rain yesterday but it's been super dry.

Birgit said...

It’s been hot and sticky out, cooler than the norm, raining in one part of the city but not in another part and this happened in one day! Lol actually I’m not too far off. I love all your flowers..they are just so pretty. Your 4th of July flowers are wonderful and made me think of my mom. They are not the same flowers but she told me she grew up in Wittenberg, well small hamlet called Zornigall. All around she could see white daisies, blue cornflowers and red poppies. I’m not sure how I would feel seeing a bear that close to my home.

Adam said...

The bear just wants to play 😂

Jeanie said...

Your garden is just fantastic. I can't believe it is July either. Here's hoping you have a wonderful Fourth week!

Computer Tutor said...

If we're voting on a best picture, I think the bear wins. I love the cat shows no fear.

Sandra Cox said...

EC, It's zipping isn't it? Thanks for strolling through the garden with me.
Thanks, Andrew:) That one is from a darker bush. One is blue and one is nearly purple, which is surprising because they are planted very close together.
Donna, Isn't that bear pic something? Oh, it's dry here too.
Alex, Way too dry.
Birgit, The fields of flowers sound beautiful.

DMS said...

The hydrangeas are beautiful. What a vibrant color! Thanks for showing all these outdoor happenings. :) Have a great week!

Sandra Cox said...

Adam, Heh:)
Thanks, Jeanie. Hope you have a good 4th too.
Definitely,Jacqui. My cats are pretty brave as long as that pane of glass stands between them and whatever is on the other side:)
Thanks so much, Jess. You have a great week too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That fish spout adds panache to the garden. Now I want one!

Citu said...

Lindo osito. Te mando un beso.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - the fish spout is serenely watched over by the angel in your delightful garden ... cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

David, I definitely think you should get one:)
J.P. Sending you a hug:)
Hils, I hadn't thought of that but yes:)

D.L. Finn said...

Gorgeous pictures of your garden, Sandra! Thanks for sharing the bear and our warrior cat. :) Been a couple says since last sighting. Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Denise. Love that cat VS bear pic;)