Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your synonym, example, sentence or definition for:

Sentence: The idea that cats only purr when they are happy is hokum.


Did you know, that Founding Fathers James Monroe, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson all died on July 4th?  Adams and Jefferson in the same year only hours apart. 


For more information: Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence? | Constitution Center


Elephant's Child said...

hokum - politely speaking wrong. Less politely B.S.
Three Presidents dying on your National Day? Wow.

Andrew said...

Hokum is not a word used here, as I am prone to saying, but I seem to know its meaning. Let me check. Yes, BS, load of ****. Rubbish is my preferred expression. Clearly there must be much excitement on July the 4th, too much for Founding Fathers.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hereby nominate Donald Trump as the principal purveyor of hokum in the world. He has no equal in that regard.

Jamie Ghione said...

Yes, I knew about Adams, Jefferson and Monroe all dying on the 4th of July, and the Adams and Jefferson died on the 50th anniversary of the US, in 1826. Also, Calvin Coolidge was the only president born on July 4th.

I wasn't too familiar with the word hokum, but I agree with David's comment on Trump now that I know what hokum is.

Christine said...

Interesting fact

Birgit said...

Trump's hair is is everything he says:) I did not know they all died on July 4th. Actually, it's a good day to pick because you can celebrate their life each year on this big day.

Jeanie said...

I knew that but the Adams Jefferson thing has never ceased to amaze me!

Adam said...

I've known that one for a long time. Apparently the last words for John Adams was Jefferson lives not knowing that his friend and rival had died earlier that morning

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, Excellent example. Agreed. Losing three Founding Fathers on July 4th is poignant.

New Release Books said...

Interesting to read this.

Sandra Cox said...

EC, Definitely:) AND It's amazing isn't it? All of them Founding Fathers.
Andrew, Too much excitement indeed:)
David, Loved the example:)
Jamie, Sounds like you know your history:)
Christine, Glad you thought so:)
Adam, I am not surprised you know that AND Yes:)

Citu said...

No lo sabía, te mando un beso.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I also knew about the founding fathers because I am a bit of a history buff. When I think if hokum, like a few others, I think of Trump and his attitude.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I didn't know about the 4th. I've never used hokum, but have used hooey...maybe it's from hokum.

Sandra Cox said...

J.P. Sending you a hug.
Elizabeth, Yay you. Me too. AND agreed:)
Elizabeth S, I think it's fascinating, especially Adams and Jefferson. AND hooey is used more frequently isn't it?

D.L. Finn said...

I didn't know those president's dying on 7-4.Not familiar with this week's word. Xo

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Denise:) I find it fascinating that 2 old-friend/rivals, both Founding Fathers, died on July 4th within hours of each other.