Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you, Blogger Buds? How is your blankety-blank weather? Ours seems to be finally leveling out. Knock on wood.

Things are pretty quiet here. Met friends for lunch a couple of times last week. One meet up was at our favorite Italian restaurant where I got veggie pizza, as you can see below. It's like a salad on crust:) and huge. A slice is the equivalent of a quarter of a large pizza. A lot of folks don't care for oversizing because they feel it adds to the weight problem in the country. I get it. But personally, or selfishly, I love it. I'm a take home gal, so I'll get several meals out of an oversize meal.  Moving on....:)


The Eternal Garden



Our little buddy that stops by of an evening.

What's going on in your neck of the woods?


Elephant's Child said...

We have spent far, far tooo much time at the vet. Another trip (hopefully the last) tomorrow. Love your garden - and the header photo.
The pizza looks good too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In Italy pizza is a very simple affair. A few years ago we had an Italian student stay with us for three weeks while she took part in an exchange programme at the University of Waterloo and she always claimed that North American pizzas looked like someone open the fridge door and dumped everything on it! She found them disgusting!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not too sure about broccoli on a pizza.
The problem is too many people try to eat oversized meals in one sitting. But leftovers for lunch the next day is better.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Quiet weeks can be good. I like to take home some of my meals to eat at home too because of too large portions being served. Your pizza looks good.

Birgit said...

The pizza looks good. This plus so much more adds to the weight gain in North America. The sizes are larger and more and more goop on everything. Love your garden pics. I’ve been super busy at work and get home beyond exhausted. Sunday, I was just so tired and sleepy most of the day. Oh, and found out my niece, who was non-binary and I had to say, my brother’s child is now wanting to be a he. He will be starting hormone shots and wanting to get a mastectomy. Who knew?

CJ Kennedy said...

At a restaurant I can never finish the meal. Before I begin, I push half aside to take home. I love have an awesome leftovers for lunch or dinner the following day. No cooking! Your garden looks so beautiful while our garden looks tired and worn out.

Christine said...

We had flooding on a major highway in Toronto's west end, they used a raft to rescue a stranded driver!

Computer Tutor said...

I wish I was having that pizza for lunch, instead of what's on my menu. Sigh.

Jeanie said...

That pizza looks great. I haven't had a good one for a bit

Sandra Cox said...

I hope Batty's better. The pizza is delicious. It's the only one I've ever had with egg plant on it. The garden and I thank you:)

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Definitely. I get it.
I don't eat a lot at one siting. So it works out well for me. I got 3 meals out of that oversized slice of pizza.

Sandra Cox said...

Quiet weeks can be good for sure:) The pizza is yummy and healthy. Has both eggplant and broccoli on it:) Glad I'm not the only who does take-home;)

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you are getting some rest and that work slows. Good luck to your niece.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That veggie pizza looks good. We hit Mellow Mushroom in Greensville after the con and they have the best vegan cheese.

Jamie Ghione said...

It's been hot in my area. And I've been battling a bug--don't know what it tis.

DUTA said...

I sometimes take home a felafel portion and eat two-three times from it. It's tasty, healthy and satisfying. It's the hot element of when you immediately eat it at the eatery table, that is missing. I suppose it's the same with the pizza.

J.P. Alexander said...

Genial pizza, me gustaron las flores. Te mando un beso.

Janie Junebug said...

That veggie pizza looks good. I never eat everything in a restaurant either and always make 2 or 3 meals out of what I order. It's still hot here but it's not raining every day. The humidity is a wee bit lower and being outside during the evening is almost bearable.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - Pizza looks and sounds good and satisfying for you. Love the photos - contented garden and pussy-cat ... cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Thumbs up on being a half plate gal. This summer has been tough on our plants, hasn't it. I was told the Farmer's Almanac said it was going to be a cold snowy winter, though that's pretty much the norm for your area, isn't it?:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh, gosh. That's scary. Glad they were able to rescue the driver.

Sandra Cox said...

It was good......

Sandra Cox said...

It was pretty yummy:)

Sandra Cox said...

Yum. I love Mellow Mushroom.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh no. Feel better soon.

Sandra Cox said...

Good on you, Duta. I toss my pizza in the oven and it's fine...usually:)

Sandra Cox said...

It was tasty:) Thank you:) Sending you hugs.

Sandra Cox said...

Glad to hear the weather is getting better. Mother Nature has been on a tear all summer, hasn't she, Janie?

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Hils, It's definitely one of the more nutritious pizzas you can get. Thanks. Cheers:)