Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


What's going on? I've been working on projects and trying to finish my first draft of Reuben Hays. My projects include the eternal staining of the back fence. I've been working on it four years now. I figure next year or the following I'll have it finished. Of course, by then it'll be time to start staining it again. 😆 My little carousel horse was my other project. He lost his ceramic tail years ago. I finally made him a new one.  Let me just say that the super glue on my fingers after I finished really confused my computer when I tried to sign in. 😁 


The trees got a hair cut.



And while I hated having all those glorious blooms cut, it sure makes mowing easier.


More crepe myrtle


From Colorado

Thanks, Julie

 From North Carolina

Thanks, Steve 

What's going on in your neck of the woods?



Elephant's Child said...

I love your ceramic horse. And the trees. Not a lot going on here - a few medical appointments for me and for Batty. A quiet(ish) week will suit me well.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We are walking regularly and enjoying nature - but we do that every day. We are planning a visit to a provincial park tomorrow. Other than that, not much.

Donna said...

Good luck with the book! And I like your idea of adding a fiber tail! Cute idea!
I love crepe myrtles! We have red ones.

Andrew said...

Your fence painting is like the painting of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Once the painters reach the end, it is time to back to the beginning to start again, so it is said.

Your ceramic horse lost its tail? No, someone broke it off. Who do you accuse? Must have been your cleaner.

Trimmed trees in a garden look better, as does a trimmed bush.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

With our weather, when you finish staining you will have to start again!

Christine said...

Sweet ceramic horse!

Computer Tutor said...

I'm impressed with your industriousness, Sandra! I was going to send you a pic of my sleepy pup, but Blogger doesn't have that option. Sigh.

Jeanie said...

You've been a busy soul! I've been on the road (Rick's aunt's memorial) and now at the lake, wishing I could have fun and recuperating from a nasty fall. You've been one very busy woman! I love your sweet horse.

Birgit said...

Not much is going on except work. Crazy busy. Your tree needed a prune and will come back even better. L9ve the horse..is it musical? Not fun having glue on your fingers. It took a while for it to come off. I finally used lighter fluid.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope your quietish week includes plenty of rest for you and Batty.

Sandra Cox said...

I love that you both walk and enjoy nature daily. Thumbs up:) Have fun at the park:)

Sandra Cox said...

Red crepe myrtle is awfully pretty:)

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds about right with the fence and the bridge:)
Good save on the semantics:) Yes, the cleaner did probably break it. Blush. Blush.

Sandra Cox said...

Sad but true.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh, I want to see the puppy.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes, the horse is musical:) Hope things settle at work.

Citu said...

Lindos arboles. Te mando un beso.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Your trees are beautiful. Good luck finishing your first draft.