Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your word, example, sentence or definition for:


Example: That woman is agelast.

From Middle French


 Did you know, that William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States, only served one month before he died? (From March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841.)

For more information: Today in History: President William Henry Harrison Dies in Office (1841) (


Elephant's Child said...

I had to look up agelast. And pity anyone for whom laughter is not a part of their lives.
A month at the top is a very short tenure.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - 'agelast person' ... sad to say the least. At least he became President, I guess ... cheers Hilary

Romance Book Haven said...

Agelast is a new word!

Donna said...

Have never heard the word...I'll be looking it up!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I will have to slink into my cave and hang my head. I did not know what the word meant and had to consult the dictionary. Does anyone ever actually use it? Here is my take on it in a sentence, “Donald Trump, that agelast wreck of humanity, winced again, snarled, and then gave vent to obscene fury as Kamala edged him out in state after state, and he saw his vision of self-glorification fading before his eyes. He would not even enjoy one more month at the top!”

Andrew said...

I can't even guess at agelast. Ok, a humourless person. It isn't something I want to be, a grumpy old person.
It must be stressful to be a president.

Jamie Ghione said...

Yes, I knew WHH died after only one month in office. He was also the first president to die in office. And at 68, was the oldest elected president at the time. His record would not be surpassed for 140 years, when Ronald Reagan became president at age 69 in 1980. Reagan, in turn, has since been surpassed by Trump and Biden.

And I never knew "agelast."

CJ Kennedy said...

I didn't know that word, but I know someone who fits that description. Isn't that weird? 😉

Christine said...

Interesting fact

Jeanie said...

Agelast is new to me -- but I have seen that cat expression before!

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

It was a new word for me too, but I like it:) Oh yes, on the cat expression:)

Sandra Cox said...

A cyber gold star for knowing your history.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Hils, It was pretty ironic. If he hadn't gotten rained on at his inauguration, he probably wouldn't have caught pneumonia and died. Maybe it was worth it to him or maybe he would have caught pneumonia anyway. You just never know do you?

Computer Tutor said...

One month. Yikes. That is interesting.

Janie Junebug said...

I knew that about President Harrison. Now I have to look up a word. Just a minute . . . wow! I don't know what I'd use in place of agelast. Grump? Sour puss?


Elizabeth Seckman said...

I've never heard of agelast. I did know about the president. Probably shouldv'e cut the speech short and gotten some rest.

J.P. Alexander said...

No lo sabía. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and yes. Hope your day is filled with energy and good health.

Sandra Cox said...

For me too, but I like it:)

Sandra Cox said...

Yay. Good on you for looking it up, Donna;)

Sandra Cox said...

Woot. Woot. Excellent take. I didn't know what it was either, but I like:)

Sandra Cox said...

Agreed. It's got to be for sure.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes. From what I read he got soaked during inauguration, didn't change out of his wet clothes and caught pneumonia.

Sandra Cox said...

It's a new one for me, but I like it, don't you?
Cut the speech short and get in some dry clothes.

Sandra Cox said...

Sending you hugs,

Birgit said...

I had to look it up and didn’t know they were talking about my brother’s 2nd wife. I knew one of them died very soon after becoming President but didn’t know which one.