Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ketch-up Day

 And then the rains came.

We got 7.5 inches in twenty-four hours and the state had  ten tornado touchdowns. I'm relieved Miss Debby has moved on. What was it like in your area? I trust all of you are safe. 

At least the flowers appreciated the rain.


It's Left-Handers Day. Woot. Woot.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - I've been spotting left-handed people recently ..not sure why I 'spot' them ... but I do. I'm not one of them. Yes - your rains and storms have been torrential ... we're still in warmth, no doubt the rains will come ...thankfully by the coast - there's some breeze! Cheers Hilary

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad to read you are safe. I was worried about you and RO!. We are out from under the heat dome we put up with last week, but the heat will be returning this week. Stay safe, dear.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We had some rain, but nothing too drastic and no tornado warnings, let alone touchdowns. Wildfires are still burning across much of the country, however.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We had well over ten inches spread out over two and a half days thanks to Debby.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm glad your flowers and you survived all that rain.

Christine said...

Wow that is a lot of rain

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Hils, Yeah we're out there;) More rain today here then hopefully a week of sunshine.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for your good thoughts, dear Elizabeth. I haven't heard from Ro. I trust she's okay.

Sandra Cox said...

Wildfires are the worst. I hate to hear they are still burning. Take special care and stay safe.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Natalie:) It's raining again. Sigh. I never thought I'd be grumbling about getting rain;)

Sandra Cox said...

And it's raining again....Hope all is well on your end.

Computer Tutor said...

That is way too much rain! California was hot, but not terribly. I still want to move.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We had almost 11 inches. I think it stunned my poor tomatoes.

Janie Junebug said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I don't know how many inches we got. Lake Junebug doesn't have water in it now but it remains a muddy mess.


Elizabeth Seckman said...

We hoped to get some rain from Debby, but she dumped it all on you.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I also haven't heard from RO, even though I sent her birthday wishes yesterday. I just hope she is OK.

DMS said...

So glad you are okay. That's a lot of rain and tornadoes nearby! The flowers do look beautiful though!

Sandra Cox said...

Jacqui, I get that. Way too many fires. I could see you Colorado.....

Sandra Cox said...

Good gracious. That's a lot. Yeah, the tomatoes didn't care for all this rain at all, did they?

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Janie. Here's hoping Lake Junebug dries out quickly:)

Computer Tutor said...

Looks like Amazon finally got my review of Mateo's Woman up. Woot!

J.P. Alexander said...

Bellas flores. te mando un beso.

Jeanie said...

Yikes. I'm so glad you are all right. That's a ton of water and tornado action. The flowers look great, though! We got some rain but I'm not sure it was from Debby.

Birgit said...

You got a lot of rain! Sorry for missing last week. I’ve been working, sometimes, 2 hours over and getting home at 9pm. It makes for a long day and the eyes get tired. I’m glad you did not experience any tornadoes. We have been lucky in our area but Toronto got hit a couple of weeks ago.

Sandra Cox said...

We would have gladly shared.

Sandra Cox said...

Me too. I trust she is.

Sandra Cox said...

Yikes. Time to shut the spigot off.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the good thoughts, Jess.

Sandra Cox said...

Woot. Woot.