Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


How are you? Whatcha been doing? I've been working on setting up a business account on Pinterest. Good gracious. Pinterest is fine, but I'm pretty techno challenged. Does anyone else out there have a Pinterest account? Any words of wisdom you'd care to impart?

Not much else going on here. What about at your house?


The garden is getting pretty sparse, but it's kept me hopping with staining the fence--I think I may have it finished next year:) mowing, adding pavers to the walkway and weeding



 Note: The leaves are just starting to fall.


Just for fun

Frank has his eye on you....

And from Illinois

Thanks, Randy

AND last but definitely not least.


Have a grand week.


D.L. Finn said...

Great pics. I love Franks eye. I am on Pinterest. I know it the least but do post once in a while but don't visit anyone. Xo

Elephant's Child said...

No Pinterest. And I am definitely technically challenged. Good luck - and thanks for these gorgeous photos. Happy Birthday Jacob.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Fun to see Sandra ... your fence will no doubt wait! Just enjoy the garden while it shines brightly before the Fall really begins - cheers Hilary

Andrew said...
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David M. Gascoigne, said...

My wife is on Pinterest but ai am not sure she posts frequently. I will ask her. And Happy Birthday, Jacob.

Andrew said...

I have had two Pinterest accounts and both were deleted for inappropriate images. I don't know what. I remember the first now. I was told an image was inappropriate and then a later message retracted that, but in the mean time, I was so annoyed, I deleted the account. It takes some learning to understand how it worked though.

That's your flying broom that runs on coffee?

Birgit said...

I am on Pinterest but I haven’t posted in ages but I do look at things and save stuff. I do love your garden pics and your close up of your pussy cat. A happy Birthday to Jacob!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, not on Pinterest.
Fall is definitely hitting here.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sorry, I'm not on Pinterest. Fall is starting here too, but it's still pretty warm.

Jamie Ghione said...

. It was rainy yesterday, and is expected to be in the 80s again next weekend when the equinox starts.

Janie Junebug said...

Now that you brought it up, I should stain my fence, too. Maybe that will happen during the next ten years or so. I am not on Pinterest so I'm no help there. I'm really no help anywhere.


Sandra Cox said...

We will see how the Pinterest thing goes....xo

Sandra Cox said...

Thank YOU, EC:)

Sandra Cox said...

No doubt it will wait, but there will be a lot of sighing involved. Heh.
Right now we are having purrfect fall weather. Loving it.
What about you?

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, David.

Sandra Cox said...

So frustrating, isn't it? I got knocked off FB but not being a FB fan I'm okay with it. Yup, that's my flying broom. Heh.

J.P. Alexander said...

No soy muy de redes. Felicidades a Jacob. Te mando un beso.

CJ Kennedy said...

I didn't have a business page, but had a personal page on Pinterest when it first came out. I loved it, but it was a huge time suck so I let it go. Frank has beautiful eyes. Ink had those olive green eyes, too.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Birgit:)

Sandra Cox said...

Nice, innit, Alex?

Sandra Cox said...

Hope it's a comfortable warm.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the reminder of the equinox.

Sandra Cox said...

I figure when I get done staining the fence, it will be time to start again:) AND, of course, you're a help.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm not either, but I'm trying to expand. Sending you hugs,

Sandra Cox said...

Sweet Ink.