I'd like to share with you a truly amazing story that my friend--we'll call her Ms. E--told to me.
Among the many hats my friend wears is that of wild life rehabilitator. One of the many animals, she rescued was a possum named Frankie.
Frankie came to wildlife rehab along with her three brothers in the spring of 2008 when she was just a baby. That's where she met an Australian Shepherd - Sheltie mix named Durango. Durango had no interest in the three brothers but it was love at first sight when he saw Frankie. Durango and Frankie became fast friends. They ate together, played together, and even took naps on the couch together.
That summer when it was time to release the possums back into the wilds, Frankie refused to leave. She stayed with her friend Durango. Ms. E. tried to release her again a few months later. This time Frankie went, but every night for six months she came home to get her possum treats (cat food and yogurt) and spend time with her friend Durango where they would stand nose to nose on opposite sides of the fence and exchange doggie-possum kisses. Durango even had a special bark tone that was reserved only for his friend.
In March of 2009 Frankie stopped coming home.
Two weeks ago, Durango passed unexpectedly. Saddened, Ms. E buried him. That evening, she glanced out her window and saw a shadow moving around Durango's grave so she went out to investigate.

There beside the grave of his ole pal was Frankie.
When Ms. E. called Frankie by name, Frankie 'purred' to her as she always did when Ms. E. talked to her. Frankie lingered that evening at the final resting place of her friend before she finally headed back into the woods.
Ms. E. hasn't seen Frankie since but there's no doubt in her mind, or mine, that someday, in some world, Frankie and Durango will be reunited and once again they'll eat, sleep and play....together.
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Night Writers
Stories like this are always touching. Too bad we humans can't learn from animals like these.
Hi Linda, Isn't that the truth. If they can find a common meeting ground you'd think we could.
An Aussie dog - not surprised it was so smart...
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