Have you read the stats? Yes. It is a true fact!! According to health care professionals, just 30 minutes of sex can burn up to 85 calories. Doesn’t sound like much, but if you’re a hero/heroine in a romance who can do the unthinkable and pull off all nighters and what they hey—all day long sessions of hot steamy sex, it’s no wonder they’re in such great physical shape! Not to mention burning about 2500 calories a week by having sex alone! LOL.
But seriously, sex does have a lot of really great health benefits. A lot of which I bet you wouldn’t have even guessed at. Beside the minimal calorie burn, sex is great for relieving stress, can boost your immune system, reduce pain, and improve intimacy. I guess that is why my hero Firefighter Jett Avery, in my current release Dating 911 thought he could use sex as a remedy to help him control is PTSD.What are some other benefits of having sex? Please leave a comment for your chance to win a free digital copy of my book, Dating 911. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you so much for having me here today!
Emergency room nurse, Roxanne Carter is a loser-magnet wishing she could enjoy her single life. Commisera
A traumatic warehouse fire, in which firefighter Jett Avery's closest friend dies, has him suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Attempting to stave off the worst of his depression, he decides to use his brand of therapy...Sex. The remedy has lost luster until he encounters ER nurse Roxanne Carter.
The pursuit of Roxanne by Jett's twin brother, Doctor Cruz Avery, complicates her research and interferes with Jett's therapy. Does Roxanne choose the brother who by analysis is the perfect match? Or the broken, dark and irresistible one?
Roxanne started. Focused on the man with the microphone,she hadn’t seen Jett come into the bar. She twisted in her chair and tilted her head. Her gaze traveled up worn black jeans that accentuated powerful thighs. He wore another T-shirt. This one was white with bold red letters advertising,“How Hot Do You Want It?”
The fabric stretched across his broad chest and molded every muscle. His jaw tightened. Stormy eyes glared down at her. Mouth suddenly dry, Roxanne grasped her soda and sipped. His nearness instigated a chain reaction deep within her body. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. She squeezed her quaking thighs together.Okay. Remain calm.
“What does it look like?” She asked, proud her voice remained unruffled.
Jett slapped his palms on the table in front of her. She flinched. He leaned in, his face mere inches from hers. “This was not the deal.”
His hair was still damp from a recent shower. The short black strands were carelessly styled, like he’d just run his fingers through them. The strong scent of leather and spice reached her, warming her belly. She squelched the desire to jerk her chair back, giving herself breathing room, and held her ground. “If I recall,” she said coolly, “you blackmailed me into a date when I’d already had plans for the evening. The only way to earn my release was to invite you along. So, if you want your ‘date’, I’d get over and draw a number before they’re all gone.”
“Is there a problem, Miss?” the emcee for the evening asked.
She smiled and Jett straightened.
“No, not at all. I was just telling this gentleman how the process works. He’s a virgin speed-dater.” She gave Jett what she hoped came across as a coy look.
His jaw tightened. A thunderstorm flashed in the depths of his eyes. Then with a blink, the tempest disappeared. His lips curved into a slow, sexy smile.
Her breath caught. What was he up to? Whatever his agenda, he ought to provide some great research material.
“Yeah. I better grab a number,” Jett said easily.
“I’ll be happy to show you how to get started. Come with
me,” the announcer said, and led the way to the registration table. Jett followed in his wake. Was it her imagination, or did he seem to have an extra swagger in his gait?
Eyes narrowed, Roxanne watched him. He mingled effortlessly with the other participants, smiling and talking with each of the men gathered on the sidelines. Her jaw dropped. Damn! How could he change from stormy to charming so effortlessly? She made a mental note to examine his character more in depth when they had their time together. Her earlier excitement returned. Maybe this wasn’t going to be a total bust after all…

A graduate of University of Nebraska Medical Center, Kathleen Grieve earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Nursing in 1994. She has been a dedicated nurse for the past seventeen years, serving most of those years in intensive care. Always writing, Kathleen chose to pursue yet another career- that of a writer. An avid romance reader of all genres since age 13, she d
She draws a lot from the real-life medical drama she experiences as a RN for her novels. Writing romance is a creative outlet where she can effectively deal with the daily stress and sorrow, adding levity and humor to situations that provide a happily ever after when there isn't one.
To find out more about Kathleen Grieve and her books, you can stop by her blog, Keeping A Pulse On Life & Romance at: http://kathleengrieve.blogspot.com
Her website: www.kathleengrieve.com
Follow her on Twitter: @KathleenGrieve
Link to blog party and giveaway:http://coffeebeanslovescenes.blogspot.com/2011/11/vbt-launch-party-end-of-tour-giveaway.html
Love it! And yes, a great way to burn off those extra holiday calories!
Hey, Ms. Julia, how are you?
I agree Julia! Definitely invigorating! Thanks for stopping by!
Two side effects I've noticed is that sex can cure most headaches (if more men knew that, no woman would ever get away with the I've got a headache line) & if your toes start out cold, they will be toasty warm after only a few minutes of bedroom gymnastics.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
I am a firm believer in the cures headaches. I get migraines and it is better than any medicine you can buy.
musicalfrog at comcast.net
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